Volcanoes have existed since the birth of the earth, and they have hel Traducción - Volcanoes have existed since the birth of the earth, and they have hel turco cómo decir

Volcanoes have existed since the bi

Volcanoes have existed since the birth of the earth, and they have helped shape the continents as we know them. The word volcano is thought to have come from Roman mythology, specifically derived from Vulcan, the Roman god of fire who was thought to be Jupiter’s blacksmith and responsible for making arrows and shields. Vulcan also had a Greek equivalent, known as Hephaestus, whose name means “burning” or “flaming.” Volcanoes were featured in ancient poetry, where they are described as the blacksmith’s workshop. When a mountain erupted, the ancients thought it was caused by smoke escaping through the chimney of Vulcan’s workshop when he was at work.

But what are volcanoes, really? A volcano is an opening in the Earth’s surface which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from the magma chamber below the surface. Volcanic eruptions can cause destruction and consequent disaster in several different ways. One is the volcanic eruption itself, causing harm from the explosion of the volcano or the immediate fall of rock. Then there is lava - molten rock or liquid rock - that may be produced during the eruption of a volcano. As it leaves the volcano, the hot lava destroys any buildings and plants in its path. Third, there is volcanic ash, consisting of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals and volcanic glass, which may form a cloud and settle thickly in nearby locations. When volcanic ash is mixed with water it forms a concrete-like material, and in sufficient quantity, ash may cause roofs to collapse under its weight. Small quantities of volcanic ash will also harm humans if inhaled.

However, the main danger to humans in the immediate surroundings of a volcanic eruption is pyroclastic flows. These are currents of hot gas and rock which can reach speeds of up to 700 kmh (450 mph) and temperatures of about 1,000 °C (1,830 °F). It is believed that the Roman town of Pompeii near Naples was destroyed by a pyroclastic flow in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, and that heat was the main cause of death of people and not, as previously believed, the inhalation of ash.

One recent volcanic eruption causing chaos and disaster was the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle eruption in Chile in 2011. At least 3,500 people were evacuated from nearby areas, while the ash cloud was blown across cities all around the Southern hemisphere, creating travel chaos when airlines were forced to cancel hundreds of flights. Ash poses a threat to aircrafts because once sucked into engines, it can be transformed into molten glass by the high engine temperatures and can cause an engine to fail. Further, ski resorts in Argentina had to be closed, a nearby river was contaminated and its temperature rose to 45 °C (113 °F) and pastureland in Southern Argentina was destroyed.
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Resultados (turco) 1: [Dupdo]
Volcanoes have existed since the birth of the earth, and they have helped shape the continents as we know them. The word volcano is thought to have come from Roman mythology, specifically derived from Vulcan, the Roman god of fire who was thought to be Jupiter’s blacksmith and responsible for making arrows and shields. Vulcan also had a Greek equivalent, known as Hephaestus, whose name means “burning” or “flaming.” Volcanoes were featured in ancient poetry, where they are described as the blacksmith’s workshop. When a mountain erupted, the ancients thought it was caused by smoke escaping through the chimney of Vulcan’s workshop when he was at work.But what are volcanoes, really? A volcano is an opening in the Earth’s surface which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from the magma chamber below the surface. Volcanic eruptions can cause destruction and consequent disaster in several different ways. One is the volcanic eruption itself, causing harm from the explosion of the volcano or the immediate fall of rock. Then there is lava - molten rock or liquid rock - that may be produced during the eruption of a volcano. As it leaves the volcano, the hot lava destroys any buildings and plants in its path. Third, there is volcanic ash, consisting of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals and volcanic glass, which may form a cloud and settle thickly in nearby locations. When volcanic ash is mixed with water it forms a concrete-like material, and in sufficient quantity, ash may cause roofs to collapse under its weight. Small quantities of volcanic ash will also harm humans if inhaled.However, the main danger to humans in the immediate surroundings of a volcanic eruption is pyroclastic flows. These are currents of hot gas and rock which can reach speeds of up to 700 kmh (450 mph) and temperatures of about 1,000 °C (1,830 °F). It is believed that the Roman town of Pompeii near Naples was destroyed by a pyroclastic flow in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, and that heat was the main cause of death of people and not, as previously believed, the inhalation of ash.One recent volcanic eruption causing chaos and disaster was the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle eruption in Chile in 2011. At least 3,500 people were evacuated from nearby areas, while the ash cloud was blown across cities all around the Southern hemisphere, creating travel chaos when airlines were forced to cancel hundreds of flights. Ash poses a threat to aircrafts because once sucked into engines, it can be transformed into molten glass by the high engine temperatures and can cause an engine to fail. Further, ski resorts in Argentina had to be closed, a nearby river was contaminated and its temperature rose to 45 °C (113 °F) and pastureland in Southern Argentina was destroyed.
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Resultados (turco) 2:[Dupdo]
Volkanlar yeryüzünde doğumundan beri var ve biz onları bildiği gibi kıtaları şekillendirmeye yardımcı olmuştur. Kelime yanardağ özellikle Vulcan, Jüpiter'in demirci ve oklar ve kalkanlar yapmaktan sorumlu olduğu düşünülen yangın Roma tanrısı türetilen Roma mitolojisinde, gelmiş olduğu düşünülmektedir. Vulcan ayrıca Adını "yanma" veya anlamına Hephaestus olarak bilinen Yunan eşdeğer vardı "yanan". Volkanlar onlar demirci atölyesi olarak tanımlanan antik şiir, yer bulundu. Bir dağ patlak verdiğinde, eskilerin o iş yerinde olduğu Vulcan'ın atölyesi baca yoluyla kaçan duman neden olduğunu düşündüm. Ama gerçekten, volkanlar nelerdir? Bir volkan yüzeyinin altında magma odasından kaçmak için sıcak magma, volkanik kül ve gazlar izin veren yeryüzü bir açıklıktır. Volkanik patlamalar çeşitli yollarla yıkım ve buna bağlı felaketlere neden olabilir. Bir yanardağ patlaması veya kaya hemen sonbaharda zarar, volkanik patlama kendisidir. Erimiş kaya ya da sıvı kaya - - Sonra lav olduğu bir volkanın patlaması sırasında üretilen olabileceğini. O yanardağ yaprakları gibi sıcak lav yolunda herhangi bir bina ve tesisleri yok. Üçüncüsü, volkanik kül bulutu oluştururlar ve yakın yerlerde kalın razı olabilir öğütülmüş kaya, mineral ve volkanik cam parçalarının, oluşan vardır. Volkanik kül, su ile karıştırıldığında bir beton gibi bir malzeme oluşturur ve yeterli miktarda kül çatılar kendi ağırlığı altında çökmeye neden olabilir. Volkanik kül küçük miktarlarda da solunduğunda. Insanlara zarar verecek Ancak, bir volkanik patlama yakın çevrede insanlara ana tehlike pyroclastic akar. Bunlar hıza ulaşabilir sıcak gaz ve kaya akımlardır 700 kmh (450 mph) ve yaklaşık 1000 ° C (1830 ° F) sıcaklığa kadar. Bu Napoli yakınlarındaki Pompei'nin Roma şehir MS 79 yılında Vezüv Yanardağı patlamasıyla bir piroklastik akışı tarafından tahrip edildi inanıyordu ve bu ısı daha önce, kül solumaktan inandığı gibi, kişinin ölümüne ve ana sebebi oldu. Kül bulutu havayolu iken seyahat kaos yaratarak, tüm Güney yarımkürede dört bir yanındaki şehirlerde geçtiler iken biri son volkanik patlama neden kaos ve felaket, yakın bölgelerden tahliye edildi 2011'de en az 3500 kişiden Şili'de Puyehue-Cordón CAULLE patlama oldu uçuş yüzlerce iptal etmek zorunda. Kül kez motorları içine çekilir, çünkü yüksek motor sıcaklıklarında tarafından erimiş cam dönüştürülebilir ve bir motor başarısız olmasına neden olabilir uçaklara yönelik bir tehdit oluşturuyor. Dahası, Arjantin kayak kapalı olması vardı, yakındaki bir nehir kirli ve sıcaklığı 45 ° C (113 ° F) yükseldi ve Güney Arjantin'de mera tahrip edildi.

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