Women account for nearly 52 percent of the workforce in the services s Traducción - Women account for nearly 52 percent of the workforce in the services s polaco cómo decir

Women account for nearly 52 percent

Women account for nearly 52 percent of the workforce in the services sector, 50 percent in the agricultural and fisheries sector and 37 percent in industry and construction.

Almost a fourth of all companies are run by women, many of whom are also the driving forces behind them.

Many women hold important posts in the state and party organizations.

They account for almost 26 percent of deputies in the National Assembly, Thuy says, adding they also make up 24 percent of provincial people’s councils, and 23 percent of district people’s councils, referring to the local legislatures.

As for their status in the family, Hang says the woman’s position has improved remarkably.

“We jointly decide important issues in our life such as work or education for our children. My husband always respects my opinions.”

She recalls her mother never had a voice in such issues.

Now, women hold the purse strings in many households.

“My father hands over his salary to my mother and then asks her for money when he needs it,” says 20-year-old economics student Nguyen Huy Dung.

The greater role of women is attributed to the effective policies on promoting them.

The state and party are interested in women’s advancement, Thuy says, pointing out that the NA, the national legislature, has approved the Law on Gender Equality and the Anti-Domestic Violence Law.

The government has national programs for vocational training and preventing trafficking of women and children, she says.

Women’s own efforts to acquire knowledge and education have, of course, been a major factor in their advancement.

They make up over 40.2 percent of all university graduates and upwards, Thuy notes, including nearly 9.8 percent of Ph.D’s and 30.5 percent of master’s degree recipients.

But women still face a number of difficulties, including poverty, underemployment, domestic violence, prostitution, and gender inequality, Thuy admits.

“I think the best way to help women overcome these challenges is to help them study and lead an active lifestyle,” says Hang, whose entry into the boardroom began after she obtained a master’s degree in Britain at the age of 27.
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Resultados (polaco) 1: [Dupdo]
Kobiety stanowią prawie 52 procent pracowników w sektorze usług, 50 procent w sektorze rolnictwa i rybołówstwa i 37% w przemyśle i budownictwie.Prawie czwarta wszystkich firm są uruchamiane przez kobiety, wiele z nich są także podsycają je.Wiele kobiet przechowywania ważnych stanowisk w organizacji państwowych i partii.Stanowią one prawie 26% deputowanych w Zgromadzeniu Narodowym, Thuy mówi, dodając, tworzą także 24 procent rad wojewódzkich osób i 23 procent Rady dzielnicy ludzi, odnosząc się do lokalnych ustawodawców.Jeśli chodzi o ich status w rodzinie powiesić mówi, że kobiety pozycji poprawiła się wyjątkowo."Wspólnie zdecydujemy ważne problemy w naszym życiu pracy lub edukacji dla naszych dzieci. Mój mąż zawsze szanuje moje opinie."Wspomina, że jej matka nigdy nie miał głos w takich kwestiach.Teraz kobiety trzymać sznurki portmonetce w wielu gospodarstw domowych."Mój ojciec ręce na jego wynagrodzenie do mojej matki, a następnie prosi ją dla pieniędzy, gdy potrzebuje go," mówi student ekonomii 20-letni Huy Nguyen Dung.Większą rolę kobiet jest przypisane do skutecznej polityki na wspieranie ich.Państwa i partii są zainteresowane w rozwoju kobiet, Thuy mówi, wskazując, że NA, Legislatura Narodowa, zatwierdził ustawę o równości płci i prawa przemocy anty-domowe.Rząd ma krajowe programy szkolenia zawodowego oraz zapobiegania handlowi kobietami i dziećmi, ona mówi.Kobiet w wysiłki na rzecz zdobywania wiedzy i edukacji oczywiście, był ważnym czynnikiem w ich rozwoju.Tworzą ponad 40,2% wszystkich absolwentów i górę, Thuy zauważa, w tym niemal 9,8 procent dysertacji w i 30,5% odbiorców, tytuł magistra.Ale kobiety jeszcze twarz szereg trudności, w tym ubóstwa, stan niedostatecznego zatrudnienia, przemoc, prostytucji i nierówność płci, Thuy przyznaje."Myślę, że najlepszym sposobem, aby pomóc kobietom pokonać te wyzwania jest aby pomóc je studiować i prowadzić aktywny tryb życia," mówi powiesić, którego wejście w sali konferencyjnej rozpoczął się po uzyskała tytuł magistra w Wielkiej Brytanii w wieku 27.
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Resultados (polaco) 2:[Dupdo]

Women account for nearly 52 percent of the workforce in the services sector, 50 percent in the agricultural and fisheries sector and 37 percent in industry and construction.

Almost a fourth of all companies are run by women, many of whom are also the driving forces behind them.

Many women hold important posts in the state and party organizations.

They account for almost 26 percent of deputies in the National Assembly, Thuy says, adding they also make up 24 percent of provincial people’s councils, and 23 percent of district people’s councils, referring to the local legislatures.

As for their status in the family, Hang says the woman’s position has improved remarkably.

“We jointly decide important issues in our life such as work or education for our children. My husband always respects my opinions.”

She recalls her mother never had a voice in such issues.

Now, women hold the purse strings in many households.

“My father hands over his salary to my mother and then asks her for money when he needs it,” says 20-year-old economics student Nguyen Huy Dung.

The greater role of women is attributed to the effective policies on promoting them.

The state and party are interested in women’s advancement, Thuy says, pointing out that the NA, the national legislature, has approved the Law on Gender Equality and the Anti-Domestic Violence Law.

The government has national programs for vocational training and preventing trafficking of women and children, she says.

Women’s own efforts to acquire knowledge and education have, of course, been a major factor in their advancement.

They make up over 40.2 percent of all university graduates and upwards, Thuy notes, including nearly 9.8 percent of Ph.D’s and 30.5 percent of master’s degree recipients.

But women still face a number of difficulties, including poverty, underemployment, domestic violence, prostitution, and gender inequality, Thuy admits.

“I think the best way to help women overcome these challenges is to help them study and lead an active lifestyle,” says Hang, whose entry into the boardroom began after she obtained a master’s degree in Britain at the age of 27.
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