Indian Companies Are Adding Western Flavor Arun Kumar had never shaken Traducción - Indian Companies Are Adding Western Flavor Arun Kumar had never shaken español cómo decir

Indian Companies Are Adding Western

Indian Companies Are Adding Western Flavor
Arun Kumar had never shaken hands with a foreigner nor needed to wear a necktie. He vaguely thought that raising a toast had something to do with eating bread. But Mr. Kumar, 27, and six other engineers were recently recruited by the Hyderabad offices of Sierra Atlantic a software company based in Fremont, Calif. And before they came face-to-face with American customers, the new employees went through a challenging four-week training session aimed at providing them with global-employee skills like learning how to speak on a conference call and how to address colleagues.
As more and more service jobs migrate to India, such training programs are increasingly common Sierra Atlantic say that one-fourth of its 400 employees working out of the Hyderabad offices are constantly interacting with foreigners.
For Sierra and other, the training in Western ways is intended not only to help employees perform daily business interactions with American or European colleagues and customers but also to help the companies transcend their image as cheap labor.
“Your interaction with people of other cultures will only increase,” Colonel Gowri Shankar, Sierra’s trainer, told Mr. Kumar and half a dozen other young engineers, “and you should be equally at ease whether in Hyderabad or Houston. The Sierra programmers listened attentively as Colonel Shankar listed common complaint: speaking one of India’s many languages in front of foreigners, questioning colleagues about their compensation, and cracking ethnic jokes. He is compromising on punctuality and protocol. “Americans are friendly but do not slap an American on his back or call him by his first name in the first meeting,” said Colonel Shankar.
Some companies are already seeing the benefits of training. Sierra said that in February, its Indian unit won a bid against an Indian competitor because the Sierra employees were seen as a better fit. “It all adds up to better rates and bigger projects,” said the project leader, Kalyani Manda.
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Resultados (español) 1: [Dupdo]
Indian Companies Are Adding Western Flavor
Arun Kumar had never shaken hands with a foreigner nor needed to wear a necktie. He vaguely thought that raising a toast had something to do with eating bread. But Mr. Kumar, 27, and six other engineers were recently recruited by the Hyderabad offices of Sierra Atlantic a software company based in Fremont, Calif. And before they came face-to-face with American customers, the new employees went through a challenging four-week training session aimed at providing them with global-employee skills like learning how to speak on a conference call and how to address colleagues.
As more and more service jobs migrate to India, such training programs are increasingly common Sierra Atlantic say that one-fourth of its 400 employees working out of the Hyderabad offices are constantly interacting with foreigners.
For Sierra and other, the training in Western ways is intended not only to help employees perform daily business interactions with American or European colleagues and customers but also to help the companies transcend their image as cheap labor.
“Your interaction with people of other cultures will only increase,” Colonel Gowri Shankar, Sierra’s trainer, told Mr. Kumar and half a dozen other young engineers, “and you should be equally at ease whether in Hyderabad or Houston. The Sierra programmers listened attentively as Colonel Shankar listed common complaint: speaking one of India’s many languages in front of foreigners, questioning colleagues about their compensation, and cracking ethnic jokes. He is compromising on punctuality and protocol. “Americans are friendly but do not slap an American on his back or call him by his first name in the first meeting,” said Colonel Shankar.
Some companies are already seeing the benefits of training. Sierra said that in February, its Indian unit won a bid against an Indian competitor because the Sierra employees were seen as a better fit. “It all adds up to better rates and bigger projects,” said the project leader, Kalyani Manda.
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Resultados (español) 2:[Dupdo]
Las empresas indias están añadiendo Western sabor
Arun Kumar nunca habían sacudido las manos con un extranjero, ni necesaria para usar una corbata.Vagamente pensé que elevar un brindis tuvo algo que ver con el comer pan.Pero el Sr. Kumar, 27, y otros seis ingenieros fueron recientemente contratado por el Hyderabad oficinas de Sierra Atlantic una empresa de software con sede en Fremont, California.Y antes de que se encontró cara a cara con los clientes, los nuevos empleados pasó por un difícil período de capacitación de cuatro semanas, encaminados a dotarlos de las habilidades de los empleados a nivel mundial como aprender a hablar en una llamada de conferencia y cómo hacer frente a sus colegas.
a medida que más y más empleos de servicios migran a la India,Tales programas de entrenamiento son cada vez más comunes Sierra Atlantic decir que una cuarta parte de sus 400 empleados que trabajan fuera de las oficinas de Hyderabad están constantemente interactuando con los extranjeros.
para Sierra y otros,La capacitación en medios occidentales no sólo pretende ayudar a los empleados a realizar la actividad diaria interacción con colegas y clientes americanos o europeos, sino también para ayudar a las empresas trascender su imagen como mano de obra barata.
"su interacción con personas de otras culturas sólo aumentará," Coronel Gowri Shankar, Sierra es entrenador, dijo El Sr. Kumar y medio otra docena de jóvenes ingenieros,"Y usted debe ser igualmente en la facilidad si en Hyderabad o Houston.La Sierra programadores escuchó atentamente como coronel Shankar enumerados queja común: Hablando de la India hay muchos idiomas en frente de los extranjeros, cuestionando a colegas sobre su indemnización, y contando chistes étnicos.Él es comprometer la puntualidad y Protocolo."Los estadounidenses son amables pero no abofetear a un americano en su espalda o llamarlo por su nombre de pila en la primera reunión", dijo el coronel Shankar.
algunas empresas ya están viendo los beneficios de la capacitación.Sierra dijo que en febrero, su unidad de India ganó una oferta contra un indio competidor porque la Sierra empleados eran vistos como un mejor ajuste."Todo se suma a mejores tasas y grandes proyectos,", dijo el líder del proyecto, Kalyani manda.
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