When Nguyen Thu Hang was a child, her mother was a housewife in a smal Traducción - When Nguyen Thu Hang was a child, her mother was a housewife in a smal francés cómo decir

When Nguyen Thu Hang was a child, h

When Nguyen Thu Hang was a child, her mother was a housewife in a small village whose women residents had no say in decision-making, either at home or in the community.

The AAA Insurance Company in HCMC. An increasing number of women have education, careers and status in society, unlike in the past

Now a mother herself, Hang not only shares her husband’s burden of earning money for the family and bringing up children, but also has career and social ambitions.

“Women are much happier than before. They have good education and careers of their own,” says the 39-year-old who lives and works in Hanoi.

“And, of course, they are more respected in the family and society.

Hang, who carries a sleek laptop in her hand, gets out of an elegant black Mercedes and enters a building where she works as the general director of Viet Hoang Trade and Investment Company, which specializes in construction and real estate.

Like Hang, many other Vietnamese women too pursue careers these days and have stormed the corporate boardroom to affirm their increasingly important roles.

Whether in remote farms or in companies, they have become much more self-confident, and are discovering their worth and fulfilling their potential.

“Vietnamese women have made important contributions to socio-economic development, especially in poverty reduction,” Vice Chairwoman of the Vietnam Women’s Union Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy says, adding that during the course of the country’s renovation process in the last 20 years, they have recorded great accomplishments in many spheres.

Women account for nearly 52 percent of the workforce in the services sector, 50 percent in the agricultural and fisheries sector and 37 percent in industry and construction.

Almost a fourth of all companies are run by women, many of whom are also the driving forces behind them.

Many women hold important posts in the state and party organizations.

They account for almost 26 percent of deputies in the National Assembly, Thuy says, adding they also make up 24 percent of provincial people’s councils, and 23 percent of district people’s councils, referring to the local legislatures.

As for their status in the family, Hang says the woman’s position has improved remarkably.

“We jointly decide important issues in our life such as work or education for our children. My husband always respects my opinions.”

She recalls her mother never had a voice in such issues.

Now, women hold the purse strings in many households.

“My father hands over his salary to my mother and then asks her for money when he needs it,” says 20-year-old economics student Nguyen Huy Dung.

The greater role of women is attributed to the effective policies on promoting them.

The state and party are interested in women’s advancement, Thuy says, pointing out that the NA, the national legislature, has approved the Law on Gender Equality and the Anti-Domestic Violence Law.

The government has national programs for vocational training and preventing trafficking of women and children, she says.

Women’s own efforts to acquire knowledge and education have, of course, been a major factor in their advancement.

They make up over 40.2 percent of all university graduates and upwards, Thuy notes, including nearly 9.8 percent of Ph.D’s and 30.5 percent of master’s degree recipients.

But women still face a number of difficulties, including poverty, underemployment, domestic violence, prostitution, and gender inequality, Thuy admits.

“I think the best way to help women overcome these challenges is to help them study and lead an active lifestyle,” says Hang, whose entry into the boardroom began after she obtained a master’s degree in Britain at the age of 27.
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Resultados (francés) 1: [Dupdo]
Quand Nguyen Thu Hang était un enfant, sa mère était une femme au foyer dans un petit village dont les habitants femmes n'eu aucun mot à dire dans le processus décisionnel, à la maison ou dans la communauté.La compagnie d'assurance de AAA à Ho Chi Minh ville. Un nombre croissant de femmes ont de l'éducation, de carrières et de statut dans la société, contrairement à dans le passéMaintenant, une mère, elle-même, non seulement partage le fardeau de son mari de gagner de l'argent pour la famille et l'éducation de leurs enfants, mais a également la carrière et les ambitions sociales.« Les femmes sont beaucoup plus heureuses qu'avant. Ils ont la bonne éducation et carrières de leur part,"dit le 39-year-old qui vit et travaille à Hanoï.« Et, bien sûr, ils sont plus respectés dans la famille et la société.Hang, qui transporte un ordinateur portable élégant dans sa main, sort d'une Mercedes noire élégante et pénètre dans un bâtiment où elle travaille comme directeur général de commerce Hoang Viet et de la société d'investissement, qui se spécialise dans la construction et l'immobilier.Comme Hang, beaucoup d'autres femmes vietnamiennes aussi poursuivre une carrière en ces jours et ont pris d'assaut la salle de conférence corporative pour affirmer leur rôle de plus en plus important.Que ce soit dans les batteries de serveurs distantes ou dans les entreprises, ils sont devenus beaucoup plus sûre d'elle et sont découvrant leurs preuves et réaliser leur potentiel.« Femmes vietnamiennes ont fait d'importantes contributions au développement socio-économique, en particulier dans la réduction de la pauvreté, » vice-présidente du Union Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy féminin Vietnam dit, ajoutant qu'au cours du processus de rénovation du pays au cours des 20 dernières années, ils ont enregistré des grandes réalisations dans de nombreux domaines.Les femmes représentent près de 52 pour cent de la main-d'œuvre dans le secteur des services, de 50 pour cent dans le secteur agricole et de la pêche et de 37 pour cent dans l'industrie et le batiment.Presque un quart de toutes les sociétés sont dirigées par des femmes, dont beaucoup sont également les forces motrices derrière eux.Beaucoup de femmes occupent des postes importants dans les organisations de l'Etat et du parti.Ils comptent pour près de 26 % des députés à l'Assemblée nationale, Thuy dit, ajoutant qu'ils composent également 24 % des conseils provinciaux du peuple et 23 pour cent des conseils de quartier populaire, se référant aux législatures locales.En ce qui concerne leur statut dans la famille, Hang dit que position de la femme a nettement améliorée."Nous décider conjointement des questions importantes dans notre vie comme le travail ou l'éducation de nos enfants. Mon mari respecte toujours mes opinions. »Elle rappelle que sa mère n'a jamais eu une voix à ces questions.Maintenant, les femmes détiennent les cordons des bourse dans de nombreux foyers."Mon père remet son salaire à ma mère et lui demande ensuite de l'argent quand il en a besoin," dit l'étudiant en économie de 20-year-old Nguyen Huy Dung.Le rôle accru des femmes est attribué aux politiques sur la promotion de leur effectif.L'État et le parti sont intéressés à la promotion de la femme, Thuy dit, soulignant que le NA, le législateur national, a approuvé la Loi sur l'égalité des sexes et la Loi sur la Violence domestique contre.Le gouvernement a des programmes nationaux de formation professionnelle et la lutte contre le trafic des femmes et des enfants, dit-elle.Des efforts propres des femmes d'acquérir les connaissances et l'éducation ont été bien sûr, un facteur important dans leur avancement.Ils composent plus de 40,2 % de tous les diplômés universitaires et vers le haut, Thuy note, y compris près de 9,8 pour cent de Ph.D et 30,5 % des bénéficiaires de la maîtrise.Mais les femmes sont encore assujettis un certain nombre de difficultés, y compris la pauvreté, le sous-emploi, la violence, la prostitution et l'inégalité entre les sexes, Thuy admet.« Je pense que la meilleure façon d'aider les femmes à surmonter ces défis consiste à les aider à étudier et à mener une vie active, » dit Hang, dont l'entrée dans la salle de conférence a commencé après qu'elle a obtenu une maîtrise en Grande-Bretagne à l'âge de 27 ans.
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Resultados (francés) 2:[Dupdo]
When Nguyen Thu Hang was a child, her mother was a housewife in a small village whose women residents had no say in decision-making, either at home or in the community.

The AAA Insurance Company in HCMC. An increasing number of women have education, careers and status in society, unlike in the past

Now a mother herself, Hang not only shares her husband’s burden of earning money for the family and bringing up children, but also has career and social ambitions.

“Women are much happier than before. They have good education and careers of their own,” says the 39-year-old who lives and works in Hanoi.

“And, of course, they are more respected in the family and society.

Hang, who carries a sleek laptop in her hand, gets out of an elegant black Mercedes and enters a building where she works as the general director of Viet Hoang Trade and Investment Company, which specializes in construction and real estate.

Like Hang, many other Vietnamese women too pursue careers these days and have stormed the corporate boardroom to affirm their increasingly important roles.

Whether in remote farms or in companies, they have become much more self-confident, and are discovering their worth and fulfilling their potential.

“Vietnamese women have made important contributions to socio-economic development, especially in poverty reduction,” Vice Chairwoman of the Vietnam Women’s Union Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy says, adding that during the course of the country’s renovation process in the last 20 years, they have recorded great accomplishments in many spheres.

Women account for nearly 52 percent of the workforce in the services sector, 50 percent in the agricultural and fisheries sector and 37 percent in industry and construction.

Almost a fourth of all companies are run by women, many of whom are also the driving forces behind them.

Many women hold important posts in the state and party organizations.

They account for almost 26 percent of deputies in the National Assembly, Thuy says, adding they also make up 24 percent of provincial people’s councils, and 23 percent of district people’s councils, referring to the local legislatures.

As for their status in the family, Hang says the woman’s position has improved remarkably.

“We jointly decide important issues in our life such as work or education for our children. My husband always respects my opinions.”

She recalls her mother never had a voice in such issues.

Now, women hold the purse strings in many households.

“My father hands over his salary to my mother and then asks her for money when he needs it,” says 20-year-old economics student Nguyen Huy Dung.

The greater role of women is attributed to the effective policies on promoting them.

The state and party are interested in women’s advancement, Thuy says, pointing out that the NA, the national legislature, has approved the Law on Gender Equality and the Anti-Domestic Violence Law.

The government has national programs for vocational training and preventing trafficking of women and children, she says.

Women’s own efforts to acquire knowledge and education have, of course, been a major factor in their advancement.

They make up over 40.2 percent of all university graduates and upwards, Thuy notes, including nearly 9.8 percent of Ph.D’s and 30.5 percent of master’s degree recipients.

But women still face a number of difficulties, including poverty, underemployment, domestic violence, prostitution, and gender inequality, Thuy admits.

“I think the best way to help women overcome these challenges is to help them study and lead an active lifestyle,” says Hang, whose entry into the boardroom began after she obtained a master’s degree in Britain at the age of 27.
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