Interview with Oyku. Translation is: You have a twin sister, are you i Traducción - Interview with Oyku. Translation is: You have a twin sister, are you i español cómo decir

Interview with Oyku. Translation is

Interview with Oyku. Translation is: You have a twin sister, are you identical? We are but my twin is at uni and cos i am working in the studio i dont know the feeling of being recognsed everywhere - she goes through all that instead.

Have you and your twin ever swapped places as a wind up? No, through out our school years people have always asked us this but we never did it. How did you start out in tv? My uncle is involved in theatre and since i as 4 i have watched him, I always wanted to go into it, when I was at high school I made the choice and joined a theatre and performing arts school, after that I started the arts in university. How were you discovered? The seniors at uni used to let the underclass know if there were jobs going, so i went to audition on their advice and won. On 16th november the show ‘Güzel ?eyler Bizim Tarafta’ aired. You played a girl with a headscarf, for which you won a major award. What can you tell em about this? When I was plaing Ayse I never focused on the fact she had a headscarf, she was just another girl, another charachter, the sho wasnt even rotating around the fact she wore a headscarf, at the end of the day we are all the same, headscarf or no headscarf. How did you get into ‘Kuzey Güney’ and are you happy? One of my first contacts in the theatre scene was Yörenç geldi, than i met Kerem Çatay who had watched me a few times,it was through them and it was all very fast. at the moment i am very happy and fullfilled. In the dizi you play Cemre, inyour opinion what sort of person is she? Im still trying to understand her my self, shes a passionate girl, with strength, and very ambitious, she wants to be famous and live a great life, in love she has not had many opportunities to choose this guy or that, in the same community that she lives in she ends up falling in love with 2 of the nicest guys at the same time. She has made choices to lead to love of 2 completely different guys opposite to each other in every way and this shows us just how much imbalance and uncertainty there are in her life especially at this time. Turkeys most good lookng guys are both in love with cemre, shes a lucky girl dont you think? Maybe she is maybe she isnt - we dont know this yet and besides neither man has proved himself to be any asset or great use for her. Have you ever been stuck between 2 guys and couldnt pick? Yes when i was at uni, in fact i have been through this twice, i chose on both occasions to go with the person i believed i could completely give my trust to. Ok in this situation - as your self and not your character who would you pick? kuzey or guney? Neither, kuzey has little control in his life and guney values things that dont have much meaning or value and he cant see sometimes that hes not looking clearly. What do you think of people who say "how did two of the best looking guys both fall for the same girl?what do they see in her"? I am not bothered but the fact is they live in a small community - why cant it happen? it happen's in real life. In real life have men as good looking as this ever fallen for you? Well I never got the attentions of a world famous and goodlooking man before but who know's what will happen in life. Some people have critisised the show are you aware of it and what do you think? Really? I didnt know? I dont bother with forums and things to check its up to them. Do you ever stand in front of the mirror and say to yourself 'i am a pretty girl? Well I dont think im ugly but sometimes I do think I look nice yes. Is it true that when you are in scenes opposit kivanc they put a step or box under your feet? No thats ridiculous! I wore high heels maybe thats why people think that. Did you always want to be hugely famous the way cemre does? No, even this interview makes me feel uncomfortable. Why? It's not something I like very much,especially now the photographer has pulled out his camera I get nervous. Is this why when you speak you sound so shy? I'm always like that, and people almost have to force words out of my mouth. For omeone so shy and quiet to go into the mainstgream of media is unusual isnt it? It is even I cant make sense of it sometimes. How would you describe yourself to people who dont know you? Id say im shy, slightly nerdy even, im not the go getter in friendships but definately the people watcher. In life I there a winning combo to behaviour? I always try to be trustworthy. Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ is very goodlooking and many women would love to be in your shoes, how does it feel working with him? I dont look at it like that, we work together and I just see him as a regular guy at work which i think is a good thing. When you first met him did you say to yourself 'wow hes goodlooking'? well I didnt say wow but I did think he is goodlooking.
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Resultados (español) 1: [Dupdo]
Entrevista con Berk. ¿Traducción: usted tiene una hermana gemela, eres idéntico? Somos pero mi doble es en uni y cos estoy trabajando en el estudio no sé la sensación de estar recognsed por todas partes - pasa a través de todo lo que en su lugar.Have you and your twin ever swapped places as a wind up? No, through out our school years people have always asked us this but we never did it. How did you start out in tv? My uncle is involved in theatre and since i as 4 i have watched him, I always wanted to go into it, when I was at high school I made the choice and joined a theatre and performing arts school, after that I started the arts in university. How were you discovered? The seniors at uni used to let the underclass know if there were jobs going, so i went to audition on their advice and won. On 16th november the show ‘Güzel ?eyler Bizim Tarafta’ aired. You played a girl with a headscarf, for which you won a major award. What can you tell em about this? When I was plaing Ayse I never focused on the fact she had a headscarf, she was just another girl, another charachter, the sho wasnt even rotating around the fact she wore a headscarf, at the end of the day we are all the same, headscarf or no headscarf. How did you get into ‘Kuzey Güney’ and are you happy? One of my first contacts in the theatre scene was Yörenç geldi, than i met Kerem Çatay who had watched me a few times,it was through them and it was all very fast. at the moment i am very happy and fullfilled. In the dizi you play Cemre, inyour opinion what sort of person is she? Im still trying to understand her my self, shes a passionate girl, with strength, and very ambitious, she wants to be famous and live a great life, in love she has not had many opportunities to choose this guy or that, in the same community that she lives in she ends up falling in love with 2 of the nicest guys at the same time. She has made choices to lead to love of 2 completely different guys opposite to each other in every way and this shows us just how much imbalance and uncertainty there are in her life especially at this time. Turkeys most good lookng guys are both in love with cemre, shes a lucky girl dont you think? Maybe she is maybe she isnt - we dont know this yet and besides neither man has proved himself to be any asset or great use for her. Have you ever been stuck between 2 guys and couldnt pick? Yes when i was at uni, in fact i have been through this twice, i chose on both occasions to go with the person i believed i could completely give my trust to. Ok in this situation - as your self and not your character who would you pick? kuzey or guney? Neither, kuzey has little control in his life and guney values things that dont have much meaning or value and he cant see sometimes that hes not looking clearly. What do you think of people who say "how did two of the best looking guys both fall for the same girl?what do they see in her"? I am not bothered but the fact is they live in a small community - why cant it happen? it happen's in real life. In real life have men as good looking as this ever fallen for you? Well I never got the attentions of a world famous and goodlooking man before but who know's what will happen in life. Some people have critisised the show are you aware of it and what do you think? Really? I didnt know? I dont bother with forums and things to check its up to them. Do you ever stand in front of the mirror and say to yourself 'i am a pretty girl? Well I dont think im ugly but sometimes I do think I look nice yes. Is it true that when you are in scenes opposit kivanc they put a step or box under your feet? No thats ridiculous! I wore high heels maybe thats why people think that. Did you always want to be hugely famous the way cemre does? No, even this interview makes me feel uncomfortable. Why? It's not something I like very much,especially now the photographer has pulled out his camera I get nervous. Is this why when you speak you sound so shy? I'm always like that, and people almost have to force words out of my mouth. For omeone so shy and quiet to go into the mainstgream of media is unusual isnt it? It is even I cant make sense of it sometimes. How would you describe yourself to people who dont know you? Id say im shy, slightly nerdy even, im not the go getter in friendships but definately the people watcher. In life I there a winning combo to behaviour? I always try to be trustworthy. Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ is very goodlooking and many women would love to be in your shoes, how does it feel working with him? I dont look at it like that, we work together and I just see him as a regular guy at work which i think is a good thing. When you first met him did you say to yourself 'wow hes goodlooking'? well I didnt say wow but I did think he is goodlooking.
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Resultados (español) 2:[Dupdo]
Entrevista con Oyku. La traducción es: Usted tiene una hermana gemela, ¿estás idénticos? No somos más que mi gemelo es en la universidad y cos estoy trabajando en el estudio no sé la sensación de ser recognsed todas partes - que pasa a través de todo lo que en su lugar. ¿Tú y tu gemelo jamás lugares intercambiado como un viento para arriba? No, a través de nuestros años escolares la gente siempre nos han preguntado esto, pero nunca lo hizo. ¿Cómo empezaste en la televisión? Mi tío está involucrado en el teatro y ya que como 4 i lo he visto, yo siempre quería entrar en ella, cuando estaba en la escuela secundaria tomé la decisión y me uní a una escuela de teatro y las artes escénicas, después de que empecé en las artes universidad. ¿Cómo fue que descubriste? Las personas mayores en uni utilizan para dejar que la clase baja saber si había empleos que van, así que me fui a la audición de sus consejos y ganaron. El 16 de noviembre el espectáculo 'Güzel? Eyler Bizim Tarafta' salió al aire. Jugaste una chica con un pañuelo en la cabeza, por la que ganó un premio importante. ¿Qué se puede decir acerca de esta em? Cuando estaba Plaing Ayse Nunca me he centrado en el hecho de que tenía un pañuelo en la cabeza, no era más que otra chica, otra charachter, la tampoco sho incluso que gira alrededor del hecho de que llevaba un pañuelo en la cabeza, al final del día todos somos iguales, velo o sin velo. ¿Cómo te metiste en 'Kuzey Güney' y eres feliz? Uno de mis primeros contactos en la escena teatral fue Yörenç geldi, que conocí a Kerem Catay que me había visto un par de veces, fue a través de ellos y todo fue muy rápido. en este momento estoy muy feliz y fullfilled. En el dizi juegas Cemre, inyour opinión ¿qué clase de persona es? Im todavía tratando de entenderla mi yo, ella es una chica apasionada, con fuerza, y muy ambicioso, ella quiere ser famoso y vivir una gran vida, en el amor que ella no ha tenido muchas oportunidades para elegir este tipo, o que, en el mismo comunidad que vive en ella termina enamorándose de 2 de los mejores chicos al mismo tiempo. Ella ha tomado decisiones para dirigir al amor de 2 chicos completamente diferentes opuestos entre sí en todos los sentidos y esto nos muestra hasta qué punto el desequilibrio y la incertidumbre que hay en su vida, especialmente en este momento. Pavos la mayoría de los buenos lookng son a la vez enamorado de cemre, ella es una chica con suerte no te parece? Tal vez ella es tal vez ella isnt - no sabemos esto todavía y además ninguno de los dos ha demostrado ser un activo o de gran utilidad para ella. Alguna vez ha sido atrapado entre 2 chicos y no podría escoger? Sí, cuando yo estaba en la universidad, de hecho he pasado por esto dos veces, he elegido en ambas ocasiones para ir con la persona que creí que podría abandonar por completo mi confianza a. Ok en esta situación - como a ti mismo, y no a tu personaje a quién elegirías? kuzey o guney? Ni, kuzey tiene poco control en sus valores de vida y guney cosas que no tienen mucho significado o valor y él no puede ver a veces eso no hes buscando claridad. ¿Qué opinas de la gente que dice "¿cómo dos de los mejores chicos que buscan tanto enamorarse de la misma chica? ¿Qué ven en ella"? No me molesta, pero el hecho es que viven en una pequeña comunidad - ¿Por qué canto que suceda? realidad de la vida real. En la vida real han hombres tan guapos como este siempre enamorado de ti? Bueno, no tengo las atenciones de un hombre famoso y apuesto mundo antes, pero que saben es lo que va a pasar en la vida. Algunas personas han critisised el espectáculo es usted consciente de ello y qué te parece? ¿En serio? Yo no sabía? No me molestes con foros y cosas para comprobar su hasta ellos. ¿Alguna vez te pones delante del espejo y dices a ti mismo: "Yo soy una chica guapa? Bueno, yo no creo que im feo pero a veces creo que se ven bien, sí. ¿Es verdad que cuando estás en kivanc escenas opposit ponen un paso o una caja debajo de tus pies? Sin eso es ridículo! Yo llevaba tacones altos tal vez es por eso que la gente piensa eso. ¿Siempre quisiste ser enormemente famosa la forma cemre hace? No, incluso esta entrevista me hace sentir incómodo. Por Qué? No es algo que me gusta mucho, sobre todo ahora que el fotógrafo ha sacado su cámara me pongo nervioso. Es por esto que cuando hablas suenas tan tímido? Estoy siempre así, y la gente casi que forzar las palabras de mi boca. Para lguien tan tímido y tranquilo para ir a la mainstgream de los medios de comunicación es inusual isnt él? Es aún no puedo darle sentido a veces. ¿Cómo describirías a ti mismo para la gente que no lo sabes? Id decir im tímido, un poco nerd, incluso, no soy el comprador vaya en las amistades, pero sin duda el pueblo observador. En la vida me haya una combinación ganadora de comportamiento? Yo siempre trato de ser digno de confianza. Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ es muy apuesto y muchas mujeres le encantaría estar en tu lugar, ¿cómo se siente trabajar con él? Que te veo de esa manera, trabajamos juntos y yo sólo lo vemos como un tipo normal en el trabajo que creo que es una buena cosa. Cuando se reunió por primera vez lo hizo te dices 'wow hes goodlooking'? así yo no digo wow pero yo creo que es bien parecido.

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