1.8 Executive Order on cosmeticsOn the basis of the information about  Traducción - 1.8 Executive Order on cosmeticsOn the basis of the information about  español cómo decir

1.8 Executive Order on cosmeticsOn

1.8 Executive Order on cosmetics
On the basis of the information about the CAS no. from the data sheets or the
text on the labels it has been investigated if the tattoo colorants (pigments) are
stated as being permitted or not permitted in the Executive Order on
Cosmetics, Executive Order no. 422 of 4 May 2006, see Table 1.4.
Pigment Orange 5 is not permitted and is stated in the safety data sheet of
three tattoo inks from the same colour series (colour no. 60, 61 and 64).
Pigments belonging to the application area 4 are colorants that solely are
permitted in cosmetic products intended for brief skin contact only. The
matter concerns Pigment Yellow 83 (ink no. 7, 26 and 36 ), Pigment Red 122
(ink no. 24, 29 and 35) and Pigment Violet 19 (ink no. 35) – the stated ink
numbers belong to three different colour series. Ink no. 24, 35, 36 are
registered in connection with skin reactions, see chapter 6.
No information exists about the concentration of these pigments in the safety
data sheets or in the text on the label. Determination of the concentration of
these pigments does not form part of this project.
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Resultados (español) 1: [Dupdo]
1.8 Executive Order on cosmetics
On the basis of the information about the CAS no. from the data sheets or the
text on the labels it has been investigated if the tattoo colorants (pigments) are
stated as being permitted or not permitted in the Executive Order on
Cosmetics, Executive Order no. 422 of 4 May 2006, see Table 1.4.
Pigment Orange 5 is not permitted and is stated in the safety data sheet of
three tattoo inks from the same colour series (colour no. 60, 61 and 64).
Pigments belonging to the application area 4 are colorants that solely are
permitted in cosmetic products intended for brief skin contact only. The
matter concerns Pigment Yellow 83 (ink no. 7, 26 and 36 ), Pigment Red 122
(ink no. 24, 29 and 35) and Pigment Violet 19 (ink no. 35) – the stated ink
numbers belong to three different colour series. Ink no. 24, 35, 36 are
registered in connection with skin reactions, see chapter 6.
No information exists about the concentration of these pigments in the safety
data sheets or in the text on the label. Determination of the concentration of
these pigments does not form part of this project.
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Resultados (español) 2:[Dupdo]
1.8 la orden ejecutiva sobre cosméticos
sobre la base de la información sobre el CAS No. A partir de las hojas de datos o la
texto en las etiquetas se ha investigado si el tattoo colorantes (pigmentos) son
declaró como ser permitidos o no permitidos en la orden ejecutiva sobre
cosmeticos, la orden ejecutiva Nº 422, de 4 de mayo de 2006, véase el cuadro 1.4.
Pigmento naranja 5 no está permitida y es indicado en la ficha de datos de seguridad de
Tres Tintas de tatuaje del mismo color Series (el color no. 60, 61 y 64).
pigmentos pertenecientes a la zona de aplicación 4 son colorantes que únicamente son
permitidos en los productos cosméticos destinados a la breve contacto con La piel.El
asunto concierne a pigmento amarillo 83 (tinta no. 7, 26 y 36), la tinta de pigmento rojo 122
(Nº 24,29 y 35) y 19 (tinta de pigmento violeta no. 35) – la tinta
números pertenecen a tres diferentes color series.La tinta no. 24, 35, 36 son
registrados en relación con las reacciones de la piel, véase el capítulo 6.
no existe información acerca de la concentración de estos pigmentos en la seguridad
hojas de datos o en el texto en la etiqueta.Determinación de la concentración de
Estos pigmentos no forma parte de este proyecto.
Está traduciendo, por favor espere..
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