期 摇 摇 摇 汪青:土壤和沉积物中黑碳的环境行为及效应研究进展 摇 299 放,但之后停止[103] 。 这些研究表明,黑碳中的一小部分碳 Traducción - 期 摇 摇 摇 汪青:土壤和沉积物中黑碳的环境行为及效应研究进展 摇 299 放,但之后停止[103] 。 这些研究表明,黑碳中的一小部分碳 inglés cómo decir

期 摇 摇 摇 汪青:土壤和沉积物中黑碳的环境行为及效应研究进展 摇

期 摇 摇 摇 汪青:土壤和沉积物中黑碳的环境行为及效应研究进展 摇


放,但之后停止[103] 。 这些研究表明,黑碳中的一小部分碳是以易降解的形式存在的。 土壤和沉积物中黑碳
降解的机制主要包括化学降解[104] 和微生物降解[62,105] 。 物理碎化[93] 会造成黑碳粒度变小,从而更易于发生 化学氧化。
黑碳初始性质、 温 度、 水 分 和 再 次 火 烧 对 黑 碳 降 解 有 重 要 影 响。 有 的 黑 碳 形 成 之 初 就 有 很 多 的 官 能
团[106] ,稳定性相对较低。 对于低温制备的松木黑碳,120d 之内降解率为 2% —13% [62] ,而对于中等温度制备 的农作物秸杆黑碳在 6 个月内降解率为 5% —50% [28] 。 玉米黑碳在水分不饱和的情况下培养 1 a,降解率达
16% ,橡树黑碳则在干湿交替情况下矿化率最高,约 12% [107] 。 Nguyen 等对温度的影响做了研究,随着培养温 度从 4 益 增加到 60 益 ,玉米黑碳降解率从 4% —10% 增加到 20% ,但是温度系数( 温度每增加 1 益 黑碳降解
率的增加量) 随着温度的增加而降低[108] 。 再次火烧会造成黑碳的损失[109] ,有研究发现在西伯利亚森林土壤 中黑碳含量随着火频率的增加而减少[110] 。
近年来易降解有机碳在黑碳降解过程中的促进作用正受到越来越多的关注。 Brodowski 通过培养实验证 实了添加易降解有机物能促进土壤黑碳的生物降解[102] 。 Hamer 等将玉米黑碳与沙混合培养,并添加14 C 标 记的易降解有机物葡萄糖,经 60 d 的对比培养实验研究发现,对照组玉米黑碳矿化率为 0. 8% ,添加葡萄糖组
提高到 1. 2% [105] 。 Cheng 等对黑碳和黑碳鄄土壤混合物分别进行培养,并添加粪肥,结果表明,添加粪肥使黑 碳的碳含量比对照组降低、氢和氧含量增加,促进了黑碳的降解[111] 。 Hilscher 等在培养黑麦草黑碳过程中添
加新鲜黑麦草作为共基质,结果表明共基质添加在 3 d 内促使黑碳矿化速率提高 22. 8% —31. 9% ,但在第 48
天培养实验结束时,添加组的黑碳总矿化率增加没有达到显著水平[112] 。 Kuzyakov 等用14 C 标记黑麦草黑碳,
与土壤和黄土分别混合培养长达 3. 2 a,期间添加葡萄糖作为共代谢基质,结果显示添加葡萄糖在数周内显著 增加了黑碳分解速率,他们指出葡萄糖促使微生物酶大量产生,进而影响黑碳降解[113] 。
5. 2摇 黑碳与地鄄气碳氮温室气体通量
由于黑碳的稳定性和相对漫长的降解过程,以黑碳形式存在的碳和氮( 主要表现为芳香环结构[19,62] 和杂 环氮结构[114] ) 得以长期保存,从而退出地鄄气快速循环。 因此,长期看来,黑碳能从地 - 气碳氮循环中捕获并 固定碳氮,减少大气中温室气体含量[8,83] 。 有人甚至据此提出,可通过人为制造黑碳的途径来实现碳捕获与 储存( carbon capture and storage, CCS) 以应对全球气候变化[115鄄116] 。
黑碳影响土壤微生物活性与碳氮的生物地球化学循环[117] ,进而影响温室气体排放。 有研究表明黑碳能 促进土壤中有机碳降解,前述 Hamer 等实验同时表明黑碳较高的比表面积和较多的孔隙为微生物生长提供
场所,促进了易降解有机物产生 CO2


。 Wardle 等发现 黑 碳 会 造 成 土 壤 腐 殖 质 的 质 量 损 失


。 Rogovska
等亦发现添加黑碳会增加土壤呼吸,但黑碳本身并没有矿化[119] 。 Novak 等将黑碳和柳枝稷添加到土壤中培 养 67 d,结果表明黑碳能促进柳枝稷的矿化[120] 。 Major 等研究发现黑碳添加导致土壤有机碳呼吸量在培养 的第 1 年和第 2 年分别提高 40% 和 6% ,土壤总呼吸量分别提高 41% 和 18% [92] 。 但是另一方面,也有研究发
现黑碳能抑制有机碳降解,Spokas 等通过添加不同比例黑碳到土壤中培养 100 d,结果表明黑碳抑制了土壤
CO2 的排放


。 Liang 等向土壤中添加有机质培养,结果表明黑碳含量丰富的土壤总矿化率比黑碳含量少的
土壤低 25. 5% ,他们将此解释为黑碳增加了土壤团聚体结构,保护土壤有机质避免矿化[122] 。 究竟促进作用 和抑制作用哪一种占据主导,目前还存在争议。
Lehmann 等[123] 发现黑碳添加到土壤中后减少了氮的淋失。 DeLuca 等[124] 和 Berglund 等[125] 研究发现黑
碳增加了土壤硝化速率和有机氮矿化速率。 Novak 等[120] 研究认为黑碳能固定土壤中的氮,从而可能会造成
NO- 鄄N 的暂时性短缺。 Yanai 等[126] 的培养实验发现黑碳减少了土壤中 85% 的 N O 排放。 Rondon 等[127] 研究
发现黑碳减少了土壤中 50% 的 N2 O 排放和几乎全部的 CH4 排放。 Spokas 等


也发现黑碳抑制了土壤 N2 O
的排放。 Knoblauch 等[128] 则认为将秸秆制成黑碳还田能比秸秆直接还田减少约 80% 的 CH 排放。
5. 3摇 黑碳与土壤稳定碳库
有机质稳定性的机制有 3 种:内在稳定性;与土壤与沉积物中的矿物相互作用;缺乏微生物[129] ,其中第

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Resultados (inglés) 1: [Dupdo]
Shake shake shake Wang Qing: black carbon in soils and sediments in advances in environmental behaviour and effects of shake 299 But stop after [103]. These studies have shown that a fraction of black carbon of the carbon in the form of easily biodegradable. Black carbon in soils and sedimentsDegradation mechanism of chemical degradation [104] and microbial degradation [62,105]. Physical fragmentation [93] will cause the black carbon particle size smaller, and thus more prone to oxidation.Initial black carbon properties, temperature, moisture and fire has an important impact on the degradation of black carbon. Some forms of black carbon on many senses[106], stability is relatively low. Low temperature preparation of pine and black carbon, 120d degradation rates of 2%-13% [62], and for medium-temperature preparation of straw black carbon degradation rates of 5%-50% in the 6 months [28]. Black carbon of maize cultivation in the case of water content of unsaturated 1 a degradation rate of16%, Oak under alternate wetting and drying conditions, black carbon mineralization rates highest, about 12% [107]. Nguyen made a study of effects of temperature, with the temperature from 4 to benefit up to 60 benefit corn black carbon degradation rate increased to 4%-20%, but the temperature coefficient (temperature increases by 1 lean black carbon degradationRate of increase) decreases with increasing temperature [108]. Black carbon losses caused by fire again [109] studies have found that black carbon in forest soils in Siberia with the increase and decrease in fire frequencies [110].Degradable organic carbon and black carbon in recent years promoting role in the degradation process is receiving more and more attention. Brodowski was confirmed by culture adding of easily biodegradable organic matter biodegradation of soil carbon black [102]. Hamer, black carbon and sand mix culture of maize, and adds 14 c labeled glucose easily biodegradable organic matter, after 60 d of experimental studies on comparative culture found that maize black carbon mineralization rates in the control group was 0. 8%, the glucose groupIncrease to 1. 2% [105]. Juan Cheng on black carbon and black carbon soil mixture culture, respectively, and adding manure, results showed that adding manure makes black carbon carbon content than the control group, hydrogen, and oxygen content, promotes the degradation of black carbon [111]. Hilscher, added during the process of cultivating rye black carbonPlus fresh ryegrass as co-substrate, results show that co-substrate add black carbon mineralization rate in 3 d 22. 8%-31. 9%, in the 48thDays training at the end, add group total black carbon mineralization rate increase not significant [112]. Kuzyakov labeled with 14 c rye such as black carbon,And soil and loess mixed culture for up to 3, respectively. 2 a during glucose as co-metabolism substrates, results showed that glucose was significantly increased in a few weeks of black carbon decomposition rates, they point out that glucose Microbe enzymes to come, and degradation of black carbon [113].5.2 shakes of black carbon and Juan gas greenhouse gas carbon and nitrogen fluxesStability and relatively long degradation due to black carbon, carbon and nitrogen in the form of black carbon (mainly for the aromatic ring structures [19,62] structure and heterocyclic nitrogen [114]) has been able to save and exit to Juan rapid cycling. Therefore, long term, black carbon can be captured from the land-atmosphere carbon and nitrogen cycles and fixed carbon and nitrogen, reducing the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere [8,83]. It was even proposed, by way of artificially created black carbon to carbon capture and storage (carbon capture and storage, CCS) to deal with global climate changes [115-116].Black carbon influence biogeochemical cycle of carbon and nitrogen and soil microbial activity [117] and thus greenhouse gas emissions. Studies have shown that black carbon can improve soil organic carbon degradation, Hamer mentioned experiments also showed that more black carbon of high specific surface area and porosity for microbial growthSites, promotion of easily biodegradable organic matter to produce CO2 [105] 。 Wardle, found that black carbon can cause soil loss [118] 。 RogovskaAlso added, such as black carbon increase soil respiration, but black carbon does not have mineralized [119]. Novak will be breaking down black carbon and culture 67 d added to the soil, the results show that black carbon can promote mining of switchgrass [120]. Major study finds adding breathing capacity of soil organic carbon of black carbon in the training of 1TH and 2nd year 40% and 6%, respectively, to total soil respiration, respectively 41% and 18% [92]. But on the other hand, there are studiesBlack carbon can inhibit the degradation of organic carbon, Spokas by adding different proportions of black carbon in the soil, such as train 100 d, results indicate that inhibition of black carbon in soil CO2 emission [121] 。 Liang, adding organic matter to the soil cultivation, the results show that black carbon-rich soil mineralization rate less than the black carbonLow 25. 5%, they will be interpreted as black carbon increased soil aggregate structure, protecting soil organic matter avoid the mineralizing [122]. Promotion and inhibition which dominates, there is controversy.Lehmann, [123] found that black carbon is added to the soil to reduce the leaching of nitrogen. DeLuca, [124] and Berglund, [125] the study found that blackCarbon increased soil organic nitrogen mineralization and nitrification rates of speed. Novak, [120] study on that black carbon can fix nitrogen in the soil, which may result inTemporary shortage of NO-Juan n. Yanai, [126] training found that the reduction of black carbon in the soil of 85% n o emissions. Rondon, [127] the study3Found reduction of black carbon in the soil 50% of N2 o emissions and almost all of the CH4 emissions. Spokas [121] 2Also found that black carbon inhibit N2 o Emissions. Knoblauch, [128] argued that straw made from black carbon can 80% than the straw directly reduce emissions of CH.5.3 shakes of black carbon and soil carbon poolStability mechanism of organic matter has 3 species: inherent stability; interact with minerals in soils and sediments; lack of micro-organisms [129], where
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Resultados (inglés) 2:[Dupdo]
Shake shake of Wang Qing: Soil and Sediment Research advance of environmental effects of black carbon and shake 299 release, but then stopped [103]. These studies suggest that black carbon in a fraction of the carbon is present in the form of readily biodegradable. Black carbon in soil and sediment mechanism of degradation including chemical degradation [104] and microbial degradation [62,105]. Physical fragmentation [93] will result in black carbon particles becomes smaller, and thus more prone to chemical oxidation. The initial properties of black carbon, temperature, moisture and fire again have a major impact on the degradation of black carbon. Some black carbon formation at the beginning, a lot of functional groups [106], the stability is relatively low. For low carbon black pine prepared within 120d of the degradation rate of 2% -13% [62], while for medium temperature crops produced carbon black straw within six months, the degradation rate of 5% -50% [28] . Corn black carbon in the water is not saturating culture 1 a, the degradation rate of 16% carbon black oak in the case of alternating wet and dry mineralization highest rate, about 12% [107]. Nguyen et impact study done on the temperature, as the culture temperature from 4 to 60 beneficial interests, the degradation rate of the carbon black corn from 4% to 10% to 20%, but the temperature coefficient (temperature increase of 1 per benefit black carbon degradation increment rate) decreases with increasing temperature [108]. Fire again will cause the loss of black carbon [109], studies have found that in the Siberian forest soil black carbon content with increasing fire frequency is reduced [110]. In recent years, the promotion of easily degradable organic carbon in the carbon black degradation process is being more and more attention. Brodowski by culture experiments confirmed that the addition of easily degradable organic matter can promote soil carbon black biodegradation [102]. Hamer and other corn and carbon black sand mixed culture, and add 14 C-labeled easily degradable organic glucose, experimental study compared 60 d of culture has been found, control corn black carbon mineralization rate of 0.8 percent, the group added glucose increase to 1.2% [105]. Cheng and so on carbon black and carbon black were cultured Juan soil mixture and add manure, the results showed that adding manure carbon black carbon content than the control group decreased to increase the content of hydrogen and oxygen, carbon black promotes degradation of [111] . Hilscher et culture ryegrass black carbon process added with fresh ryegrass as a co-substrate, results showed that adding co-substrate within 3 d led black carbon mineralization rate increased 22.8% -31. 9%, but in the 48th Tian culture end of the experiment, the total black carbon mineralization rate increase added group did not reach significant levels [112]. Kuzyakov etc. with 14 C labeled ryegrass black carbon, and soil and loess mixed cultures were up 3. 2 a, glucose was added as a co-metabolism substrates during the results show that addition of glucose in a few weeks, a significant increase in the rate of decomposition of carbon black, they He pointed out that a lot of glucose to promote microbial enzyme production, thereby affecting the black carbon degradation [113]. 5.2 Shake black carbon and carbon and nitrogen gas to Juan greenhouse gas fluxes due to the stability of the carbon black and a relatively long degradation process in the form of carbon black carbon and nitrogen (mainly as an aromatic ring structure [19,62] and heterocyclic nitrogen structure [114]) can be stored for long periods in order to exit the gas to Juan rapid cycling. Therefore, long term, black carbon from the ground - gas carbon and nitrogen cycles captured and fixed carbon and nitrogen, reducing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases [8,83]. It was accordingly even suggested, by way of artificially created black carbon in carbon capture and storage (carbon capture and storage, CCS) to address global climate change [Juan 115 116]. Biogeochemical black carbon and soil microbial activity and carbon and nitrogen cycles [117], and thus the impact of greenhouse gas emissions. Studies have shown that black carbon can promote the degradation of soil organic carbon, the aforementioned Hamer experiments also showed that the higher the carbon black surface area and porosity of microbial growth more offers place to promote the easily biodegradable organic produce of CO2 [105] . Wardle found that black carbon will result in loss of quality humus [118] . Rogovska , are also found that the addition of carbon black increased respiration, but black carbon mineralization itself is not [119]. Novak and other add black carbon into the soil and switchgrass cultured 67 d, the results show that black carbon can promote switchgrass mineralization [120]. Major study found that adding carbon black leads to soil organic carbon respiration increased by 40% and 6%, respectively, in the culture of the first year and second year, the total amount of soil respiration increased 41% and 18% [92]. But on the other hand, there are also studies made ​​now carbon black can inhibit the degradation of organic carbon, Spokas etc. by adding different proportions of black carbon in the soil culture 100 d, results showed inhibition of black carbon in soil CO2 emissions [121] . Liang and other add organic matter to the soil culture, the results show that black carbon-rich soil total mineralization rates than black carbon content of less low 25.5% soil, they interpret this as black carbon increased soil aggregate structure, soil conservation avoid organic matter mineralization [122]. Exactly what kind of promotion and inhibition dominant, it is still controversial. Lehmann et al [123] found that black carbon added to soil after reduced nitrogen leaching. DeLuca et al [124] and Berglund et al [125] found that black carbon increased soil organic nitrogen mineralization and nitrification rates. Novak et al. [120] studies suggest that black carbon can fix nitrogen in the soil, which may result in a shortage of temporary NO- Juan N. [126] Training Yanai, etc. It was found that the reduction of black carbon in soil 85% of NO emissions. Rondon et al. [127] Study 3 found that reducing black carbon in soil of 50% N2 O emissions and almost all of CH4 emissions. Spokas et [121] 2 also found that black carbon in soil inhibited N2 O emissions. Knoblauch et [128] is that the straw is made ​​of carbon black can be compared to field Straw reduced by about 80% CH emissions. 5.3 Shake black carbon and soil carbon pools stability mechanism of the stability of organic matter there are three kinds: internal stability; interaction with soils and sediments in the mineral; the lack of micro-organisms [129], where the first

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Resultados (inglés) 3:[Dupdo]
Study on the environmental behavior and effects of black carbon in soils and sedimentsTwo hundred and ninety-ninePut, but then stop [103]. These studies indicate that a small amount of carbon in the black carbon is present in the form of A. Black carbon in soils and sedimentsDegradation mechanisms mainly include chemical degradation of [104] and microbial degradation [62105]. Physical fragmentation of [93] will lead to a small black carbon particle size, which is more likely to occur in chemical oxidation.The initial properties, temperature, moisture and re burning of black carbon have important effects on the degradation of black carbon. Some black carbon has a lot of functionality at the beginning of the formation.Group [106], relatively low stability. For low temperature preparation of pine black carbon, within 120 days, the degradation rate is 2% - 13% [62], and for moderate temperature preparation of crop straw black carbon within 6 months of degradation rate is 5% - 50% [28]. Corn black carbon in the case of water saturation of 1 A, the degradation rate of16%, oak black carbon mineralization rate is the highest, about 12% [107]. The effect of Nguyen on temperature was studied. With the increase of incubation temperature from 4 to 60, the degradation rate of maize black carbon increased from 10% to 20% to 4%, but the temperature coefficient (temperature increased by 1.The rate increases with the increase of temperature and decreases with the increase of [108]. The fire will cause the loss of carbon black [109], the study found that the black carbon content in Siberia forest soil decreased with the increase in the frequency of fire [110].In recent years, more and more attention is being paid to the promotion of the degradation of organic carbon in the process of black carbon degradation. Brodowski culture experiments confirmed that the addition of easily degraded organic matter could promote the biodegradation of soil black carbon [102]. Hamer et al. Mixed culture of maize black carbon and sand, and added 14 C labeled easily degradable organic glucose. The results showed that the corn black carbon mineralization rate was 0.8% in the control group and 60 in the control group.Increased to 1.2% [105]. Cheng of black carbon and carbon black Juan soil mixture were cultured, and adding manure. The results show that adding manure to black carbon carbon content than the control group decreased, hydrogen and oxygen content increased, and promote the black carbon degradation [111]. Hilscher et al. In the process of cultivating rye grass black carbonAdding fresh ryegrass as a co substrate, the results showed that the total matrix added in 3 D to promote the black carbon mineralization rate increased by 31.9% - 22.8%, but in the forty-eighthAt the end of the experiment, the increase of the total mineralization rate of black carbon in the addition group did not reach a significant level of [112]. Kuzyakov et al. 14 C labeled rye ryegrass black carbon,With soil and loess were mixed in culture for up to 3. 2 A, adding glucose as co metabolic substrate. The results showed that the addition of glucose in the weeks significantly increased the decomposition rate of black carbon, they pointed out that glucose promote microbial enzymes produced a large number, and the influence of the black carbon degradation [113.5.2 roll of black carbon and carbon and nitrogen fluxes of greenhouse gas - gasDue to black carbon stability and relatively long degradation process, exists in the form of carbon black carbon and nitrogen (mainly for the aromatic ring structure [19,62] and the ring heteroatom n structure [114]) can be long-term preservation, and exit Juan gas rapid cycling. Therefore, in the long term, black carbon can capture and fix carbon and nitrogen from the ground gas carbon nitrogen cycle, reduce the content of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere [8,83]. , can be by way of man-made carbon black to achieve carbon capture and storage (carbon capture and storage, CCS) in response to global climate change [115 Juan 116] even accordingly put forward.Effects of black carbon on soil microbial activity and carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycling of [117], and then affect the greenhouse gas emissions. Studies have indicated that black carbon can promote the degradation of organic carbon in soil, and the Hamer and other experiments also show that the high specific surface area and the porosity of the carbon black are provided with the growth of microorganisms.Place to promote the degradation of organic matter produced CO2[105]. Wardle et al. Found that black carbon can cause the loss of soil humus[118]. RogovskaIt was also found that the addition of black carbon increased soil respiration, but the black carbon itself did not mineralized [119]. Novak black carbon and switchgrass added to the soil in 67 d culture, the results showed that black carbon can promote the mineralization of switchgrass [120]. Major et al. Found that the increase of soil organic carbon respiration resulted from the increase of 40% and second in the culture of the first and 6% years, respectively, and the total soil respiration increased by 41% and 18% [92]. But on the other hand, there is also a study of hairBlack carbon can inhibit the degradation of organic carbon, Spokas, by adding different proportions of black carbon into the soil to cultivate 100 D, the results showed that the black carbon inhibited the soilCO2 emissions[121]. Liang and other organic matter was added to the soil, and the results showed that the total mineralization rate of black carbon was lower than that of black carbon.Soil low 25.5%, they explained to the black carbon increased soil aggregate structure, conservation of soil organic matter to avoid mineralization [122]. What is the dominant role of promoting and inhibiting effect, there are still controversial.Lehmann [123] found that black carbon added to the soil after reducing nitrogen leaching. DeLuca et al. [124] et al. Berglund and [125] et al.Carbon increases the rate of nitrification and mineralization of organic nitrogen. [120] et al. Novak studies suggest that black carbon can fix nitrogen in the soil, which may result inThe temporary shortage of NO- - N. Yanai and other [126] culture experiments found that black carbon reduced the soil 85% of the O N emissions. [127] et al. Rondon et al.ThreeIt was found that the black carbon reduced the O N2 emissions and almost all of the CH4 emissions in the soil. Spokas, etc.[121]TwoIt was also found that the black carbon inhibited the soil O N2Emission. [128] and other Knoblauch are considered to be made of straw
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