I've updated my baseband version from the old one dated November 1st 2 Traducción - I've updated my baseband version from the old one dated November 1st 2 español cómo decir

I've updated my baseband version fr

I've updated my baseband version from the old one dated November 1st 2013 to new one dated February 15th 2014. I extracted it from the new 1.0.1 firmware (the one working at 900/2100). I was hoping I could have 900Mhz too, but I'm without luck. BT/WiFi/GPS/NFC are all working ok, so I will keep it anyway. Maybe some settings are stored in NVRAM, and maybe there are hardware changes too? What do you guys think about that? If someone knows where to get from or can make backup of his own NVRAM on new 1.0.1 version, I would appreciate if it can be uploaded somewhere.

If you want to update your baseband, first download a new baseband version from Sorry, please Register or Login or confirm the registration email to view links., so you don't have to download a complete v1.0.1 rom, and screw around with unpacking system.img file.

After that, just unpack the archive and copy modem_1_wg_n.img from v1.0.1systemetcfirmware folder into your systemetcfirmware folder on your phone, and confirm the overwrite. Ofcourse, your phone must be rooted, and you should install one of the more advanced android file managers (like Solid Explorer or Root Explorer), so you copy the file into your /system, and afterall change the file attributes, owner and group to what the system expects (all of that must be like the original .img file had before, because new .img file gets some default properties which are not ok in our case).

The file should have file permissions like on the screenshot below (-rw-r--r-- 644), and owner/group must be set to root.
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Resultados (español) 1: [Dupdo]
I've updated my baseband version from the old one dated November 1st 2013 to new one dated February 15th 2014. I extracted it from the new 1.0.1 firmware (the one working at 900/2100). I was hoping I could have 900Mhz too, but I'm without luck. BT/WiFi/GPS/NFC are all working ok, so I will keep it anyway. Maybe some settings are stored in NVRAM, and maybe there are hardware changes too? What do you guys think about that? If someone knows where to get from or can make backup of his own NVRAM on new 1.0.1 version, I would appreciate if it can be uploaded somewhere.If you want to update your baseband, first download a new baseband version from Sorry, please Register or Login or confirm the registration email to view links., so you don't have to download a complete v1.0.1 rom, and screw around with unpacking system.img file.After that, just unpack the archive and copy modem_1_wg_n.img from v1.0.1systemetcfirmware folder into your systemetcfirmware folder on your phone, and confirm the overwrite. Ofcourse, your phone must be rooted, and you should install one of the more advanced android file managers (like Solid Explorer or Root Explorer), so you copy the file into your /system, and afterall change the file attributes, owner and group to what the system expects (all of that must be like the original .img file had before, because new .img file gets some default properties which are not ok in our case).The file should have file permissions like on the screenshot below (-rw-r--r-- 644), and owner/group must be set to root.
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Resultados (español) 2:[Dupdo]
He actualizado mi versión de banda base de la anterior de fecha 01 de noviembre 2013 a uno nuevo de 15 de febrero de 2014. extraje desde el nuevo firmware 1.0.1 (el que está trabajando en 900/2100). Tenía la esperanza de que podría tener 900Mhz también, pero estoy sin suerte. BT / WiFi / GPS / NFC están trabajando bien, así que voy a seguir de todos modos. Tal vez algunos ajustes se almacenan en la NVRAM, y tal vez haya cambios de hardware también? ¿Que piensan ustedes de eso? Si alguien sabe dónde conseguir desde o puede hacer copia de seguridad de su propia NVRAM nueva versión 1.0.1, le agradecería si puede ser cargado en alguna parte. Si desea actualizar su banda base, primero descargar una nueva versión de banda base desde este momento, por favor Regístrese o entrada o confirmar el correo electrónico de registro para ver los enlaces., por lo que no tiene que descargar un rom v1.0.1 completa, y joder con el desembalaje archivo system.img. Después de eso, simplemente descomprimir el archivo y copiar modem_1_wg_n.img desde v1.0.1 system etc carpeta de firmware en su sistema etc carpeta de firmware en su teléfono, y confirme la sobreescritura. Por supuesto, el teléfono debe estar arraigada, y usted debe instalar uno de los administradores de archivos de Android más avanzados (como el Explorador de Solid o Root Explorer), por lo que se copia el archivo en su / system, y después de todo cambiar los atributos de archivo, propietario y grupo para lo que espera el sistema (todo eso debe ser como el archivo .img original tenía antes, porque nuevo archivo .img consigue algunas propiedades predeterminadas que no están bien en nuestro caso). El archivo debe tener permisos de archivo como en la pantalla de abajo (- rw-r - r-- 644), y el propietario / grupo deben establecer en la raíz.

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