Akceptuję regulamin i politykę prywatności, rozumiem też, że społeczność Chomikuj.pl szanuje prawa artystów i innych twórców i oświadczam, że publikowane przeze mnie pliki nie będą naruszały niczyich praw.
I accept the terms and conditions and privacy policyI also understand that the Chomikuj.pl community respects the rights of artists and other creators and I declare that I post the files will not violate anyone's rights.
I accept the terms and conditions and privacy policy, I also understand that the community Chomikuj.pl respects the rights of artists and other creators and declare that the published files I will not violate anyone's rights.
i accept the rules and privacy policy.i also understand that the community correction respects the rights of artists and other creators and declare that published by me files do not infringe anyone"s rights.