Bombero “Oficio contra incendios”Bombero es la persona que se dedica,  Traducción - Bombero “Oficio contra incendios”Bombero es la persona que se dedica,  inglés cómo decir

Bombero “Oficio contra incendios”Bo


“Oficio contra incendios”
Bombero es la persona que se dedica, entre otras muchas labores, a extinguir incendios. Tradicionalmente realizaban su trabajo mediante bombas hidráulicas, que se utilizaban para sacar agua de pozos, ríos o cualquier otro depósito cercano al lugar del siniestro. Se atribuye al emperador César Augusto la creación del primer cuerpo de bomberos en Roma.
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Resultados (inglés) 1: [Dupdo]

"Office fire"
fireman is the person who is dedicated, among other many tasks, to extinguish fires. They traditionally performed their work using hydraulic pumps that were used to draw water from wells, rivers or any other deposits close to the site of the accident. The creation of the first fire department in Rome is attributed to the Emperor Caesar Augustus.
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Resultados (inglés) 2:[Dupdo]
Firefighter "Occupation Fire" Fireman is the person who is dedicated, among other tasks, to extinguish fires. Traditionally did their work by hydraulic pumps, which were used to draw water from wells, rivers or any other close to the scene deposit. Attributed to Augustus Caesar create the first fire department in Rome.

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Resultados (inglés) 3:[Dupdo]

fireman fire service" is the person who is dedicated, among other tasks, to extinguish fires. Traditionally conducted its work by hydraulic pumps, which are used to draw water from wells, rivers or any other deposit near the site of the accident. Attributed to Emperor Caesar Augustus the first firefighters in Rome.
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