假如把企业的高层管理者比作“脑袋”,那么中层管理者就是“腰”,腰不好,领导就头大。中坚力量6堂课2天互动式培训 15个经典案例假如把员工队伍 Traducción - 假如把企业的高层管理者比作“脑袋”,那么中层管理者就是“腰”,腰不好,领导就头大。中坚力量6堂课2天互动式培训 15个经典案例假如把员工队伍 inglés cómo decir




2天互动式培训 15个经典案例

3月28-29日深圳 4月18-19日北京 04月25-26日广州
6月06-07日上海 6月13-14日深圳 6月27-28日北京
7月18-19日上海 7月25-26日深圳 9月12-13日深圳
9月19-20日上海 9月25-26日北京 11月07-08日深圳
11月14-15日上海 11月21-22日北京 11月28-29日广州


咨询电话:021-51602856 0755-61287552 020-80560638 (不需要此类信件请回复电邮至tuixin2015@126.com退信)
交通实业总公司、中电集团、安徽交通集团、广州云星房地产、江苏光芒集团、中国电力科学研究院…… 等。
——远东集团董事长 蒋锡培 为《中层经理怎样当》
第一堂课 明确自己在企业的定位
第二堂课 如何得到领导认可
第三堂课 如何进行跨部门协作
第四堂课 如何调动下属工作热情
第五堂课 如何管好部门绩效
2.灌输数字:修“路”而不是修“人”( 与其责怪下属太笨,不如反思为啥教不好)
⑿考核,考出员工集体围攻考核主管 该怎么办?
第六堂课 如何带出优秀团队
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Para: -
Resultados (inglés) 1: [Dupdo]
假如把企业的高层管理者比作“脑袋”,那么中层管理者就是“腰”,腰不好,领导就头大。中坚力量6堂课2天互动式培训 15个经典案例假如把员工队伍比做球队,中层管理者相当于二传手,一个好的二传手,死球可变成活球;二传手不到位,好球也要变成臭球。2015年时间安排3月28-29日深圳 4月18-19日北京 04月25-26日广州6月06-07日上海 6月13-14日深圳 6月27-28日北京7月18-19日上海 7月25-26日深圳 9月12-13日深圳9月19-20日上海 9月25-26日北京 11月07-08日深圳11月14-15日上海 11月21-22日北京 11月28-29日广州课程费用:5800元/两天,买一送一,不再打折,单独一人收费3600元。(包括资料费、午餐及上下午茶点等)授课对象:企业副总、各部门经理、主管、各级中层管理人员、新提拔的、从专业人才转型到管理的、进一步想提高管理绩效的、晋升到高层管理以及其它预备管理人员咨询电话:021-51602856 0755-61287552 020-80560638 (不需要此类信件请回复电邮至tuixin2015@126.com退信)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------薛灿宏著名管理培训专家清华大学总裁班特聘讲师北京时代光华讲师团团长中国职业经理人协会理事中国职业经理人培训学院客座教授现任红豆集团管理顾问现任江苏科行集团管理顾问现任金方略管理顾问机构董事长培训企业:万达集团、三一集团、高露洁、中建五局、华北油田、红豆集团、海信集团、远东集团、厦门象屿集团、扬子江药业、华润集团、报喜鸟、泰尔茂(日资)、山西经纬纺机、三得利啤酒、青岛联通、贵州工商银行、浙江横店集团、淮阴卷烟厂、成都明珠集团、芜湖邮政局、南方电网、长城润滑油、三星电子、山东杏林学院、桂林供电局、常州中国银行、天士力药业、无锡交通实业总公司、中电集团、安徽交通集团、广州云星房地产、江苏光芒集团、中国电力科学研究院…… 等。著有《中层经理怎样当》(经济日报出版社),《中层变革》(北京大学出版社,光盘),《执掌团队》(经济日报出版社)。 ----------------------------------------【为什么要培训6堂课?】当今中国企业的中层干部,很多是半路出家。原先是业务骨干、技术能手,后来时势造化被推到“管理”这个位置,从业务一把好手,到承上启下、带领一帮人把一摊子事情做好,这个角色转换并不容易。对薛灿宏老师,我和我的中层干部都不陌生,听他的课程好几年了。他培训的最大特点就是务实。薛灿宏老师不拘泥于中层干部所面临的“事”,更多谈了中层干部所面临的“人”,上司是人,同僚是人,下属也是人,中层干部整天就是跟人打交道;做事Is the Foundation, is the fundamental work ability is strong, but fails, and is the greatest failure of middle-level cadres.Xue Canhong teacher curriculum, tells the story of some workplace rules. Unspoken rules isn't to find your company system, classroom teaching in universities is not, understand the unspoken rules andUnspoken rules work, as people, can make your boss appreciate your peers, your, under the respect you, your career can develop smoothly, otherwise, even if vigour,Probably unflattering, bothered inside.We need the middle-level cadres? This course gives the answer. --Jiang xipei, Chairman of far Eastern Group of the Middle managers how to be--------------------------------------------------------------------------------First class to clarify their position in enterprises1. corporate structure in Hamburg (senior policy makers, grass-roots action, middle managers need executive power)2. Why are there middle (what is execution? Three words:)3. the Middle three difficulties (supervisor, support from colleagues, subordinates recommended)4. the middle two sins (leader of the masses and the small King)5. a major weakness of Middle: pass the buck (staff job, the boss can only jump)6. middle-level positioning at different stages (Manager, Manager, Manager) Case study: ⑴ blamed the leadership, under the mocking, the Middle "jiabanqi" is the result of what?B I the human resources manager, how thankless task?Second lesson on how to get the leaders ' approval 1. leadership is right: enforce (disagree with the leadership, the first subject, the second communication)2.不议论领导是非:承上启下(而不仅仅上传下达,更不能欺上瞒下)3.维护领导威信:自我退后(长用者多批评,短用者多表扬)4.用数字说话:结果至上(汇报工作谈结果,请示工作说方案)5.请领导做选择题:勤于思考(问答题永远留给自己)6.让领导做好人:勇于担当(没有坏人就没有好人,没有坏人就没有执行力) 案例讨论:⑶处处小心,还是屡屡受挫,我一个空降新经理如何是好?⑷员工罢工,老板发怒,我一个中层干部怎么办?第三堂课 如何进行跨部门协作 1.惜缘:因为看法不同,所以必有冲突(没有冲突就没有改善)2.尊重:面子第一,道理第二(面子决定好感,好感决定成败)3.内敛:高调做事,低调做人(孙悟空是不是好经理?)4.克己:让于名利,无欲则刚(勤奋做事,简单做人)5.助人:予人玫瑰,手有余香(妥协、忍让、隐藏,是优秀职业经理人必不可少的素养)案例讨论:⑸协作不力,如何应对公司内部的派系之争?⑹有职无权,别的部门不买我的帐,怎么办?第四堂课 如何调动下属工作热情 1.金钱激励:很重要但不唯一(不谈薪水,是愚民政策;光谈薪水,是害民政策)2.晓之以利:弄清楚为谁而工作(与其抱怨薪水少,不如检讨岗位价值低)3.引而不发:让他人说出你的想法(把自己的意见变成他人的意见,把他人的意见变成大家的意见)4.多头并举:从不花钱的表扬开始(人人需要兴奋,表扬就是兴奋剂)5.防微杜渐:一切从工作积极性出发(优秀的管理者,应该是激励高手) 案例讨论:⑺员工擅自跟客户吃饭,这笔钱该不该报销?⑻黄金季节来了,员工闹情绪,我该怎么办?⑼月工资800的大学生撞塌工棚使公司损失3万,如何处理?第五堂课 如何管好部门绩效 1.角色转换:做教练而不做警察(好的管理者就是好教练)2.灌输数字:修“路”而不是修“人”( 与其责怪下属太笨,不如反思为啥教不好)3.聚焦绩效:多谈行为,少下结论(就事论事,不妄加结论,是改善员工行为的法则)4.抓住关键:重视什么,就得到什么(程序清晰、数字明确,像麦当劳一样教员工)5.目标管理:控制过程才能控制结果(目标绩效管理是照妖镜,是探照灯)6.迫使进化:追求快乐,逃避痛苦(下属的素质差,不是你的错;不能提升下属的素质,是你的大错)案例讨论:⑽临阵换将,烂摊子怎么快速出绩效?⑾员工私捞好处,漏洞怎么堵?⑿考核,考出员工集体围攻考核主管 该怎么办?第六堂课 如何带出优秀团队 1.团队为王:做英雄还是做领袖?(管理,就是运用他人的努力实现目标)
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Resultados (inglés) 2:[Dupdo]
If the enterprise's senior management as a "head",
then middle managers is the "waist" bad back, leading to headaches. Class backbone 6 2 days interactive training 15 classic case if the workforce compared the team, middle managers equivalent setter, a good setter, variable survived ball dead ball; setter not place, the strike must become Xiuqiu. 2015 schedule on March 28-29, April 18-19 in Shenzhen Beijing April 25-26 in Guangzhou , Shanghai, June 06-07, June 13-14, June 27-28, Beijing, Shenzhen , July 18- July 19, Shanghai 25-26 September 12-13 in Shenzhen, Shenzhen , Shanghai, September 19-20, September 25-26 in Shenzhen, Beijing, November 07-08 Day 14-15 November Shanghai November 21-22 28-29 November, Beijing, Guangzhou Course fee: 5800 yuan / two days, buy one get one, no discounts, a single person charged 3600 yuan. (Including information on fees, lunch and afternoon tea, and so on) Teaching object: Corporate vice president, department managers, supervisors, middle managers at all levels, newly promoted, the transition from professional to manage further want to improve management performance, promoted to senior management and other management personnel preparation Tel: 021-51602856 0755-61287552 020-80560638 (no need to reply to these letters, please send an email to tuixin2015@126.com Bounce) ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Xue Canhong known management expert training courses, president of Qinghua University Distinguished Lecturer Beijing era of our instructors head of the China Professional Managers Association of China Professional Managers Training Institute, visiting professor at the current red group management consultant The Jiangsu Branch of Bank Group management consultant incumbent chairman Kim strategy management consultant training Enterprise: Wanda Group, Trinity Group, Colgate, built in five, Huabei Oilfield, red beans Group, Hisense Group, Far Eastern Group, Xiamen Xiangyu Group, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical, China Resources Group, Angelo, Terumo (Japanese), Shanxi Jingwei Textile Machinery, Suntory beer, Qingdao, China Unicom, Guizhou Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Zhejiang Hengdian Group, Huaiyin cigarette factory, as are Pearl Group, Wuhu Post Office, China Southern Power Grid, Great Wall Lubricating Oil, Samsung Electronics, Shandong Kyorin University, Guilin Power Supply Bureau, Changzhou Bank of China, Tasly Pharmaceutical, Wuxi Transportation Industry Company CLP Group, Anhui Communications Group, Guangzhou-Star Real Estate, Jiangsu Gomon Group, the China Electric Power Research Institute ...... etc. Author of "how middle managers as" (Economic Daily Press), "the middle of change" (University Press, CD-ROM), "in charge of the team" (Economic Daily Press). ---------------------------------------- [6 Why training class? ] today's middle-level cadres of Chinese enterprises, many of which are halfway decent. Originally backbone of the business, technical experts, and later pushed to the good fortune of the times "manage" this position, from a business players, to the nexus, led the gang to a stall things done, this role reversal is not easy. Xue Canhong teacher for me and my middle-level cadres are not familiar with, to listen to his program for several years. Major feature of his training is pragmatic. Xue Canhong teachers do not stick to middle-level cadres are facing the "thing", more talk about the middle-level cadres are facing "people", the boss is a person, a human colleagues, subordinates are people, middle-level cadres is to deal with people all day long; things are foundation, man is fundamental, the ability to work again strong, but the man failed, is the biggest failure of middle-level cadres. Xue Canhong teacher's curriculum, describes some of the unspoken rules of the workplace. Unspoken rule is not in the company system could find, also not taught in university classrooms, to find out the rule, according to the unspoken rules work, man, be possible to make your boss appreciate you, with your colleagues, subordinates respect you, you The career can be successfully developed, otherwise, even if motivated cupola, also possible inside and outside thankless, embattled. We need what kind of middle-level cadres? This course gives the answer. - Far Eastern Group chairman Jiang Xipei as "how middle managers as" ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- clear their first lesson positioning in the enterprise 1. Enterprise Hamburg structure (senior to have decision-making power, have grassroots action, the middle needs to execution) 2. Why is the middle (what executive power words:? been done) 3. Middle The three major difficulties (boss recognition, support colleagues, subordinates respected) The middle two sin (mass leader, the king of a small country) 5. The middle of a major weakness: pass the buck (employees can quit, the boss can only jumping) 6 The positioning of the different stages of the middle (as the manager, sitting manager, as manager) Case Discussion: ⑴ leadership scold, under ridicule, the middle "air splint" is caused by how? ⑵ my human resources manager, how thankless task? The second lesson of how to be led by recognized 1. Leadership is right: resolutely implement (when inconsistent with the views of the leadership of the first subject, the second communication) 2. Do not discuss right and wrong leadership: nexus (and not only transmit messages, and more not Qishangmanxia) 3. Maintenance leadership prestige: self back (long used by more criticism, short wearer more recognition) 4. by numbers: result-oriented (report to talk about the results, said that the program of work to consult) 5. Leading do multiple-choice questions: hard thinking (always left to their own quiz) 6. Allow leaders to do the people: the courage to play (no bad people, there is no good guys, no bad guys, there is no executive power) Case Discussion: ⑶ careful everywhere, or frustrated, I am a new manager airborne what to do? ⑷ employees were on strike, angry boss, I'm a middle-level cadres how to do? The third lesson of how cross-sectoral collaboration 1. Xi margin: because of the different views, so there must be conflict (there is no conflict, there is no improvement) 2. Respect: face first, truth second (face decisions goodwill, goodwill of success and failure) 3 . restrained: high-profile work, low-key man (Monkey King is not a good manager?) 4. Katsumi: Let in fame, desire is just (hard work, simple life) 5. Helping: to roses, hand a fragrance (compromise, tolerance, hide, It is an excellent professional managers essential literacy) Case Discussion: ⑸ poor coordination, how to deal with factionalism within the company? ⑹ have no right to post, other departments do not buy my account, how do? The fourth lesson how to mobilize the enthusiasm of subordinates 1. The financial incentives: It is important but not the only (talk about salary, is obscurantist; light to talk salary, is detrimental to public policy) 2. dawn of Eli: find out whom work (less salary instead of complaining, it is better to review the position of low-value) 3. cited without hair: Let others speak your mind (his own opinions into the views of others, to other people's opinions into everyone's views) 4. bulls simultaneously: from Praise does not start spending money (everyone needs excitement, recognition is stimulants) 5. preventive measure: everything from enthusiasm (good manager should be incentive master) Case Discussion: ⑺ employees without a meal with clients, money It should be reimbursed? ⑻ golden season came, disgruntled employees, how can I do? ⑼ monthly salary of 800 university students crashed into the shed so that the company lost 30,000, how? How to manage the fifth class sector performance 1. Role Change: Coaches do not do police (good manager is a good coach) 2. instill numbers: Xiu "road" rather than repair "people" (and its subordinate stupid blame better to reflect on why teach bad) 3. Focus Performance: talk about behavior, less a conclusion (the sake of discussion, do not make improper conclusion is to improve employee behavior law) 4. Hold the Key: pay attention to what, on what (program clear, definite figures, like McDonald's teaching staff) as 5. Target management: control process to control the results (target performance management is the magic mirror, Searchlight) 6. forcing evolution: the pursuit of pleasure, to avoid pain (a subsidiary of poor quality, not yours wrong; you can not improve the quality of subordinates, is your big mistake) Case Discussion: ⑽ chicken will change, how fast the performance of the mess? ⑾ employee benefit private fishing, plugging loopholes in how? ⑿ assessment, test out the staff in charge of the assessment of collective siege how to do? Excellent team how to bring out the sixth class 1 team is king: hero or do leaders do? (Management, is to use other people's efforts to achieve the goal) 2. clarifying the rules: play the game they have to say (rules of the game is to solve the equity problem, efficiency) 3. solidarity: together to create a sense of security, a sense of belonging (employee attitude there is a problem, is the manager's responsibility) 4. two-pronged approach: on the one hand the system, on the one hand and cultural (Wanda is a military team, Wanda schools, Wanda family; Wanda's corporate culture, to say that we want to say a) 5. Built to Last: Good employees are trained (training is the second productive) Case Discussion: ⒀ how to face "Oil Stick under the"? ⒁ how to deal with "stinking hard" subordinates? ⒂ employees who perform well, "taste", how to deal with?

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Resultados (inglés) 3:[Dupdo]
If the top management of the enterprise to the "head", then the middle managers is the waist, waist is not good, the head of the head. The backbone of the

6 class

2 days interactive training 15 classic case
if the staff is likened to the team, middle managers is equivalent to the setter, a good setter and dead ball can be a live ball; setter does not reach the designated position, strike to become the hacking.

2015 years arrangement Guangzhou
3 April 28-29 Shenzhen April 18-19 Beijing April 25-26 months 06-07 in Shanghai on June 13-14, Shenzhen June 27-28 Beijing
7 January 18-19 Shanghai July 25-26 Shenzhen on September 12-13 Shenzhen
07-08, Shenzhen
11 September 19-20, Shanghai, September 25-26 in Beijing November 14-15 Shanghai November 21-22 in Beijing November 28-29 Guangzhou
course fee: 5800 yuan / two days, buy a send a, not discounted, alone a person charges 3600 yuan. (including material fee, lunch and afternoon tea etc.)
teaching object: corporate vice president, the department managers, supervisors, middle management personnel at all levels, newly promoted, transition from professional talents to management, further to improve performance management,
promotion to senior management and it reserve management personnel

advisory telephone:021-51602856 0755-61287552 020-80560638 (don't need this letter please reply email to tuixin2015@126.com bounce)
Xue Canhong

famous management of training specialists
Tsinghua university class president distinguished lecturer
era Beijing Guanghua lecturer regiment
Chinese professional managers association director
Chinese Professional Managers Training Institute visiting professor
incumbent Hongdou Group management consultant
incumbent chairman
training enterprises in Jiangsu Kesheng group management consultants
incumbent Jin fanglve management consultant.Wanda Group, Sany group, Colgate, in the fifth inning, Huabei Oilfield, Hongdou Group, Hisense Group, the Far Eastern Group, Xiamen Xiangyu Group, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical,
China Resources Group, Angelo, Terumo (Japan), Shanxi Jingwei Textile machinery, Suntory beer, Qingdao Unicom, industrial and Commercial Bank of Guizhou, Zhejiang Hengdian group, Huaiyin cigarette factory,
are Pearl Group, Wuhu Postal Bureau, China Southern Power Grid, the Great Wall lubricating oil, Samsung Electronics, Shandong Xinglin college, Guilin Power Supply Bureau, Changzhou China bank, Tasly pharmaceutical, Wuxi
traffic Industrial Corporation, CLP Group, Anhui traffic group, Guangzhou Cloud Star real estate,Jiangsu light group, China Electric Power Research institute...... Etc..
is the author of the middle managers how to be "(Economic Daily Press), the middle change" (Beijing University Press, CD), "at the helm" team (Economic Daily Press).
[why training class 6? The Chinese]
enterprise middle-level cadres, many is left. The original is the backbone of the business, technical experts that the later the nature pushed to the position of management, from business to
players to a connecting link between the preceding and the following, led a group of people to do good things of a stallThis role conversion is not easy. I am no stranger to Xue Canhong, I and my middle class, listening to his classes for several years. The biggest characteristic of his training is to be pragmatic. Xue Canhong teacher does not rigidly adhere to middle-level cadres
faced "thing", more on the middle-level cadres are facing "person", the boss is the people, colleagues are people, subordinates is people, middle-level cadres is all day with people dealing;
work is the foundation, for the people is the fundamental, the ability to work and strong, but is failure, middle-level cadres biggest failure. Xue Canhong, the teacher's course, tells about some of the rules of the workplace. Unspoken rules are not found in the company system,Also no university classroom teaching, to find out the hidden rules, and according to the unspoken rules of
work, people, may let your boss appreciate you and colleagues with you, subordinates respect you, your career to develop smoothly, otherwise, even if the soaring drive,
may inside and outside a thankless task, besieged on all sides. What do we need to do? This course gives the answer.
- East Group Chairman Jiang Xipei for the middle managers how to be "
first class clear in the fixed position of the enterprise is
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