The Magic of Movies On December 28, 1895, the Lumière brothers first s Traducción - The Magic of Movies On December 28, 1895, the Lumière brothers first s español cómo decir

The Magic of Movies On December 28,

The Magic of Movies

On December 28, 1895, the Lumière brothers first showed short films in a café in Paris. Audiences have been interested in the magic of movies ever since. On that day, the audience screamed. A train came straight toward them! Since then, filmmakers have used different techniques to amaze people. These techniques form the art of special effects. They create the magic of movies.

One of the first special effects was The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots (1895). Inventor and moviemaker Thomas Edison substituted a dummy for the actress. In the movie, Mary knelt down and put her head on the block. An executioner raised a large axe. When the axe came down, Mary’s head rolled off the chopping block. But it was the dummy’s head! When the audiences saw the scene, they were horrified. Since then, filmmakers have used tricks like this. They make people see things that didn’t happen in real life.

Moviemakers still sometimes use old techniques. For example, they use small models for large objects. One of the most famous special effects in movie history was in King Kong, made in 1933. The large gorilla on top of the Empire State Building was really only 18 inches (45 centimeters) high. The movie contained many new technical innovations.

Another classic was The Ten Commandments (1923). It was an early Cecil B. DeMille film. It used simple special effects techniques. The parting of the Red Sea was created by filming water that poured down the sides of a U-shaped tank. Then they ran the film backwards. This made the water appear to divide. The movie was remade in 1956. This remake had the same scene. It was one of the most exciting visual effects in film history. It was also the most expensive to date.

Computers today have totally changed special effects The Star Wars and Lord of the Rings series are major examples. They have become references in the art of visual effects. Imaginary characters, such as Spiderman, have also been made to look realistic in the movies. It is possible because of computer-generated images.

The art of filmmaking never stops. What magical effects will moviemakers use in the future? You’ll see them at the movies!
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Resultados (español) 1: [Dupdo]
The Magic of Movies

On December 28, 1895, the Lumière brothers first showed short films in a café in Paris. Audiences have been interested in the magic of movies ever since. On that day, the audience screamed. A train came straight toward them! Since then, filmmakers have used different techniques to amaze people. These techniques form the art of special effects. They create the magic of movies.

One of the first special effects was The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots (1895). Inventor and moviemaker Thomas Edison substituted a dummy for the actress. In the movie, Mary knelt down and put her head on the block. An executioner raised a large axe. When the axe came down, Mary’s head rolled off the chopping block. But it was the dummy’s head! When the audiences saw the scene, they were horrified. Since then, filmmakers have used tricks like this. They make people see things that didn’t happen in real life.

Moviemakers still sometimes use old techniques. For example, they use small models for large objects. One of the most famous special effects in movie history was in King Kong, made in 1933. The large gorilla on top of the Empire State Building was really only 18 inches (45 centimeters) high. The movie contained many new technical innovations.

Another classic was The Ten Commandments (1923). It was an early Cecil B. DeMille film. It used simple special effects techniques. The parting of the Red Sea was created by filming water that poured down the sides of a U-shaped tank. Then they ran the film backwards. This made the water appear to divide. The movie was remade in 1956. This remake had the same scene. It was one of the most exciting visual effects in film history. It was also the most expensive to date.

Computers today have totally changed special effects The Star Wars and Lord of the Rings series are major examples. They have become references in the art of visual effects. Imaginary characters, such as Spiderman, have also been made to look realistic in the movies. It is possible because of computer-generated images.

The art of filmmaking never stops. What magical effects will moviemakers use in the future? You’ll see them at the movies!
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Resultados (español) 2:[Dupdo]
La magia del cine

el 28 de diciembre de 1895, los hermanos Lumière mostraron cortometrajes en un café de Paris.Las audiencias se han interesado en la magia de películas desde entonces.Ese día, el público gritó.Un tren vino directamente hacia ellos.Desde entonces, los cineastas han usado diferentes técnicas para sorprender a la gente.Estas tecnicas del arte de los efectos especiales.Crean la magia del cine.

uno de los primeros efectos especiales fue la ejecución de María Reina de Escocia (1895).Inventor y cineasta Thomas Edison sustituido un muñeco para la actriz.En la película, María se arrodilló y poner su cabeza en el bloque.Un verdugo levantó una gran hacha.Cuando el hacha se vino abajo, la cabeza de María salió de la cuadra.¡Pero era la cabeza del maniquí!Cuando el público vio la escena, estaban horrorizados.Desde entonces, los cineastas han usado trucos como este.Hacen ver cosas que no ocurren en la vida real.

los realizadores todavia a veces utilizar técnicas antiguas.Por ejemplo, se utilizan modelos pequeños para objetos grandes.Uno de los más famosos efectos especiales en la historia del cine fue en King Kong, en 1933.El gran gorila en la parte superior del Empire State Building estaba realmente solo 18 pulgadas (45 centímetros) de alto.La película contiene muchas nuevas innovaciones técnicas.

otro clasico es los diez mandamientos (1923).Era una película de Cecil B. DeMille.Se utilizan simples técnicas de efectos especiales.La despedida del Mar Rojo fue creado por el rodaje de agua que vierte abajo de los lados de un tanque en forma de U.Luego hicieron la película hacia atrás.Esto hizo que el agua parece dividir.La película fue rehecho en 1956.Este remake tuvo la misma escena.Fue uno de los mas emocionantes efectos visuales en la historia del cine.También es el más caro hasta la fecha.

las computadoras de hoy han cambiado totalmente de efectos especiales de Star Wars y el señor de los anillos serie son los principales ejemplos.Se han hecho referencias en el arte de efectos visuales.Personajes imaginarios, como Spiderman, también han sido hecho para parecer realista en las películas.Es posible porque de imágenes generadas por computadora.

el arte del cine nunca se detiene.¿Qué efectos mágicos se busca empleo en el futuro?¡Vas a ver en el cine!
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