MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA (Promotion Good life 2014) Off Saki Vihar Road, Sa Traducción - MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA (Promotion Good life 2014) Off Saki Vihar Road, Sa turco cómo decir


MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA (Promotion Good life 2014)
Off Saki Vihar Road, Saki Naka,
Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400072. Maharashtra.
Telephone: 0091-7829867370
CONGRATULATIONS! This is to inform you that you have been cleared a winner of the MAHINDRA &
MAHINDRA (Promotion Good life 2014) Sweepstakes International program. Your email was electronically
selected as a winner in this Year Annual Draw via Directories with GMAIL, HOTMAIL AND YAHOO. This Prize is given
out randomly to worldwide individuals, for their personal business development.
Your email address as indicated was drawn and attached to Ticket Number MMIN-789-882. with Serial numbers MSI-
09546 and drew the Lucky numbers 9-21-10-12-23-33(28), which subsequently won £800,000GBP (Eight Hundred
Thousand Great Britain Pound Sterling) as one of the jackpot winners in this draw.
I am happy to inform you, that your Original Certificate and Certified bank cheque have been forwarded to the courier
company here in India for Delivery.
Find below the details of the courier company.
City Link Courier India
No 40, Malya Apartment, Plot No 110, Jawahar Nagar,
Maharashtra, Mumbai-400062, India.
Mr. Jodi Shama (dispatch officer)
Phone Number: +917829870691
You are advised to send the courier company a email to their email address ( their
dispatch options. When contacting them, you are to include this order number as your subject. Please you are advised
to write down the order number and save it.
Note: you are to quote your complete names, Ref/ Batch Numbers and your direct phone number so that they can
honour your letter. Once again i say congratulations and always inform me with your dealings with the courier
company to enable us follow up your dispatch.
Mr. Prakash Sanjiv.
MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA (Promotion Good life 2014)
De: -
Para: -
Resultados (turco) 1: [Dupdo]
MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA (promosyon iyi hayat 2014)
Saki Vihar Off Road, Saki Naka,
Andheri (Doğu), Istanbul – 400072. Maharashtra.
Telefon: 0091-7829867370
dikkat: kazanan
Tebrikler! MAHINDRA & bir kazanan temizlendiyse bilgilendirmek bu
MAHINDRA (promosyon iyi hayat 2014) piyango uluslararası programı. E-posta elektronik ortamda oldu
Bu yıl yıllık çekmek GMAIL, HOTMAIL ve YAHOO ile dizinleri ile kazanan olarak seçilmiş. Bu ödül verilir
dışarı rasgele için dünya çapında bireyler için kendi kişisel iş geliştirme.
e-posta adresinizi gösterildiği gibi çizilmiş ve bilet numarası MMIN-789-882 için ekli. Seri numaralarıyla MSI-
09546 ve daha sonra 800 £ kazandı, şanslı numaraları 9-21-10-12-23-33(28) çekti000GBP (sekiz yüz
bin İngiltere Pound Sterling) olarak ikramiye kazanan içinde bu çizmek.
, özgün sertifika ve sertifikalı banka çeki kurye için iletilen bildirmekten mutluyum
burada için teslimat. Türkiye şirket
kurye şirketi. ayrıntıları bulmak
şehir Link kurye Hindistan
No 40, Malya daire, arsa No 110Jawahar Nagar,
Maharashtra, Mumbai-400062, Hindistan.
Bay Jodi Shama (Merkez görevlisi)
telefon numarası: 917829870691
için kurye şirketi onların email adres yazmak ( bir e-posta göndermek için tavsiye edilir onların
gönderme seçenekleri. Onları kurarken, bu sipariş numarası, konu olarak dahil etmek için vardır. Lütfen tavsiye edilir
sipariş numarasını yazın ve onu kurtarmak için
sipariş numarası: CIT-00929GH
Not: tam adınızı Ref alıntı / onlar-ebilmek toplu iş numaraları ve direkt telefon numarası için
mektubuna cevap vermem. Bir kez daha tebrik ve her zaman bana ile ilişkileriniz kurye ile bilgi
şirket sağlamak için takip dispatch. senin
sağ ol
Bay Prakash Sanjay.
MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA (promosyon iyi hayat 2014)
Está traduciendo, por favor espere..
Resultados (turco) 2:[Dupdo]
MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA (Promotion Good life 2014)
Off Saki Vihar Road, Saki Naka,
Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400072. Maharashtra.
Telephone: 0091-7829867370
CONGRATULATIONS! This is to inform you that you have been cleared a winner of the MAHINDRA &
MAHINDRA (Promotion Good life 2014) Sweepstakes International program. Your email was electronically
selected as a winner in this Year Annual Draw via Directories with GMAIL, HOTMAIL AND YAHOO. This Prize is given
out randomly to worldwide individuals, for their personal business development.
Your email address as indicated was drawn and attached to Ticket Number MMIN-789-882. with Serial numbers MSI-
09546 and drew the Lucky numbers 9-21-10-12-23-33(28), which subsequently won £800,000GBP (Eight Hundred
Thousand Great Britain Pound Sterling) as one of the jackpot winners in this draw.
I am happy to inform you, that your Original Certificate and Certified bank cheque have been forwarded to the courier
company here in India for Delivery.
Find below the details of the courier company.
City Link Courier India
No 40, Malya Apartment, Plot No 110, Jawahar Nagar,
Maharashtra, Mumbai-400062, India.
Mr. Jodi Shama (dispatch officer)
Phone Number: +917829870691
You are advised to send the courier company a email to their email address ( their
dispatch options. When contacting them, you are to include this order number as your subject. Please you are advised
to write down the order number and save it.
Note: you are to quote your complete names, Ref/ Batch Numbers and your direct phone number so that they can
honour your letter. Once again i say congratulations and always inform me with your dealings with the courier
company to enable us follow up your dispatch.
Mr. Prakash Sanjiv.
MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA (Promotion Good life 2014)
Está traduciendo, por favor espere..
Otros idiomas
El soporte de la herramienta de traducción: Chino tradicional, Detectar idioma, Indonesio, Klingon, afrikáans, albanés, alemán, amhárico, armenio, azerí, bengalí, bielorruso, birmano, bosnio, búlgaro, camboyano, canarés, catalán, cebuano, checo, chichewa, chino, cingalés, coreano, corso, criollo haitiano, croata, danés, eslovaco, esloveno, español, esperanto, estonio, euskera, finlandés, francés, frisio, gallego, galés, gaélico escocés, georgiano, griego, gujarati, hausa, hawaiano, hebreo, hindi, hmong, húngaro, igbo, inglés, irlandés, islandés, italiano, japonés, javanés, kazajo, kinyarwanda, kirguís, kurdo, lao, latín, letón, lituano, luxemburgués, macedonio, malayalam, malayo, malgache, maltés, maorí, maratí, mongol, neerlandés, nepalí, noruego, oriya, panyabí, pastún, persa, polaco, portugués, rumano, ruso, samoano, serbio, sesoto, shona, sindhi, somalí, suajili, sueco, sundanés, tagalo, tailandés, tamil, tayiko, telugu, turco, turkmeno, tártaro, ucraniano, uigur, urdu, uzbeco, vietnamita, xhosa, yidis, yoruba, zulú, árabe, traducción de idiomas.

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