Olá, Dia bom, Eu sou deputada Nana Tanko Buriba, vivendo em um Dakar S Traducción - Olá, Dia bom, Eu sou deputada Nana Tanko Buriba, vivendo em um Dakar S inglés cómo decir

Olá, Dia bom, Eu sou deputada Nana

Olá, Dia bom, Eu sou deputada Nana Tanko Buriba, vivendo em um Dakar Senegal com o meu filho, que é de 23 anos old.I estava satisfeito com o seu perfil do qual eu orei sobre ele antes de entrar em contato com você para esta importante e benéfico Matéria. Meu falecido marido Dr Tanko Buriba era um homem bem conhecido e realizado que tinha investido interesse em tantas áreas de negócio que o fez acumular uma grande riqueza antes de sua morte, mas depois de seu enterro seus parentes apreendidos tudo o que tinha desde que ele não deixou qualquer Will e estava em na verdade mal preparado sobre a sua morte, que foi muito repentino e um choque para me.He tinha um depósito com um banco na Europa no valor de vinte milhões de dólares norte-americanos (US $ 20 milhões USD) Tendo em mim como o parente mais próximo na mandato de Ficheiros que ninguém está ciente disso, exceto eu agora estou em Dakar com meu filho e entrou em contato com os funcionários do banco que confirmou tudo, mas disse que o acesso não pode ser concedido sobre os fundos nem qualquer Transação / Ordem Realizada na conta até encontrei-me com os Requisitos Herança alegação do Country.Given minha condição e incapacidade de lidar com esta questão é por isso que estou contato com você para que você urgentemente me ajudar com tudo o que tem a ver com os requisitos de fabrico, após o qual devem ser tomadas medidas para nosso viajar para acompanhá-lo para que meu filho deve continuar sua educação enquanto você gerir os fundos como o meu Managing Partner.I estou oferecendo-lhe 15% de líquido da quantia para a sua assistência. Não por favor, mantenha este assunto confidencial em vista de nossa segurança pessoal e fundos obrigado Sra Nana
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Resultados (inglés) 1: [Dupdo]
Hello, good day, I am Mrs Nana Tanko Buriba, living in a Dakar Senegal with my son who is 23 years old. I was pleased with your profile which I prayed about it before contacting you for this important and beneficial Terms. My late husband Dr Tanko Buriba was a well-known and accomplished man who had vested interest in so many business areas that did accumulate great wealth before his death, but after her funeral her relatives seized all had since he hasn't left any Will and was in in fact ill-prepared about his death which was very sudden and a shock to me. He had a deposit with a bank in Europe worth twenty million American dollars (US $ 20 million USD) in me as the next of kin in the mandate that anyone is aware of this, except I'm now in Dakar with my son and came into contact with the Bank employees who confirmed everything, but said that access cannot be granted on the funds nor any transaction/order Held on account until I found myself with the Inheritance claim Requirements of the Country. Given my condition and inability to deal with this issue is why I'm contacting you for you help me urgently with everything that has to do with the manufacturing requirements, after which they are to be taken to our travel to accompany him so that my son should continue his education while you manage the funds as my Managing Partner. I am offering you 15% of the net amount for its assistance. No please keep this confidential subject to our personal safety and thanks Mrs Nana
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Resultados (inglés) 2:[Dupdo]
Hello, Good day, I am Mrs Nana Tanko Buriba, living in a Dakar Senegal with my son who is 23 years old.I was satisfied with his profile from which I prayed about it before contacting you to this important and beneficial matter. My late husband Dr Tanko Buriba was a well-known man and realized that he had vested interest in many areas of business that did amass great wealth before his death, but after his funeral his relatives seized everything he had since he did not Will any left and was in ill prepared truth about his death, which was very sudden and a shock to me.He had a deposit with a bank in Europe in the amount of twenty million US dollars (US $ 20 million USD ) for me as the closest relative in the File mandate that no one is aware of it, but I am now in Dakar with my son and contacted the bank officials who confirmed it but said that access can not be granted on the funds or any Transaction / Order Held in the account until I met the requirements of the Heritage claim Country.Given my condition and inability to deal with this issue is why I am contacting you so you urgently to help me with everything it has to do with the manufacturing requirements, after which measures must be taken to our travel to accompany him so that my son should continue your education while you manage the funds as my managing Partner.I am offering you 15% net of amount for their assistance. No please keep this confidential matter in view of our personal security and funds thank Mrs Nana
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Resultados (inglés) 3:[Dupdo]
Hello, good day, I am Mrs Nana tanko buriba, living in Dakar Senegal with my son, who is 23 years old. I was pleased with your profile which I prayed about it before you get in touch with you for this important and beneficial matter. My late husband Dr. tanko buriba was a man well known and realized you had invested interest in many areas of business that made him accumulate a wealth before his death, but after his burial, his relatives seized everything he had since he left no will, and was in fact ill prepared on his death that was very sudden, and a shock to me. He had a deposit with a bank in Europe in the value of 20 million US dollars (US $20 million USD) in me as the next of kin in term of files that nobody is aware of that, but now I "m in Dakar with my son. And he came into contact with the officials of the bank confirmed it, but said That access cannot be granted the funds or any transaction / order held in the account until I met the requirements of the country inheritance claim. Given my condition and inability to deal with this issue is why I contact with you for you to urgently help me with everything that has to do with the requirements. The manufacture, after which measures must be taken to our travel to accompany him to my son should continue their education while you manage the funds as the managing partner. I am giving you 15% of the net amount for their assistance. Please keep this confidential in view of our security personnel and funds thanks Miss Nana
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