Cock RobinCock RobinThought You Were On My SideNot without reason have Traducción - Cock RobinCock RobinThought You Were On My SideNot without reason have español cómo decir

Cock RobinCock RobinThought You Wer

Cock Robin
Cock Robin
Thought You Were On My Side
Not without reason have I been wrong
Just a few tough demands
On a personal friend I could lean on
Desperate and selfish, I know that I was
We drank all our fill
But I'd swear there was poison in my cup
Of your good intentions what has become?

I thought you were on my side
Must you add the weight?
You said it would be even
When splitting up the stakes
I thought you were on my side
Were we not the rage?
Down the center line,
What's yours is yours and mine
Just like always

Hurting for freedom, hell-bent for lust
I'ts an unlikely thing that I'd keep bumping in
to someone I could trust
I'm far from resigning, though I'm faint from exhaust
Just because I'm on edge
Do I have to let somebody come push me off?
Is it the belonging, or something you've lost?

I thought you were on my side
Must you add the weight?
You said it would be even
When splitting up the stakes
I thought you were on my side
Were we not the rage?
Down the center line,
What's yours is yours and mine
Just like always
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Resultados (español) 1: [Dupdo]
Cock Robin
Cock Robin
Thought You Were On My Side
Not without reason have I been wrong
Just a few tough demands
On a personal friend I could lean on
Desperate and selfish, I know that I was
We drank all our fill
But I'd swear there was poison in my cup
Of your good intentions what has become?

I thought you were on my side
Must you add the weight?
You said it would be even
When splitting up the stakes
I thought you were on my side
Were we not the rage?
Down the center line,
What's yours is yours and mine
Just like always

Hurting for freedom, hell-bent for lust
I'ts an unlikely thing that I'd keep bumping in
to someone I could trust
I'm far from resigning, though I'm faint from exhaust
Just because I'm on edge
Do I have to let somebody come push me off?
Is it the belonging, or something you've lost?

I thought you were on my side
Must you add the weight?
You said it would be even
When splitting up the stakes
I thought you were on my side
Were we not the rage?
Down the center line,
What's yours is yours and mine
Just like always
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Resultados (español) 2:[Dupdo]
¿Cock Robin
Cock Robin
pensaba que estabas de mi lado
no sin razon he sido mal
sólo un pocos duras exigencias
a un amigo personal que podría apoyarse en
desesperado y egoísta, sé que estaba
bebimos todos nuestros llenar
pero juraría que había veneno en mi taza
de sus buenas intenciones, qué ha sido?¿

pensé que estabas de mi lado
hay que añadir el peso?
dijo que sería incluso
¿Cuando separamos las apuestas
pensé que estabas de mi lado
no se nos la rabia?¿
abajo de la línea de centro,
lo tuyo es tuyo y mío
como siempre

lastimando la libertad, empeñado por la lujuria
es un improbable cosa que me sigue chocando en
a alguien que podía confiar en
estoy lejos de dimitir, aunque soy débil de escape
sólo porque estoy en borde
tengo que dejar que alguien venga a empujarme?
¿Es la pertenencia, o algo que has perdido?¿

pensé que estabas de mi lado
hay que añadir el peso?¿
dijo que sería incluso
cuando separando las apuestas
pensé que estabas de mi lado
no se nos la rabia?
abajo de la línea de centro,
lo tuyo es tuyo y mío
como siempre
leer mas en http: / / www.songlyrics. COM / Cock Robin / Pensé que estabas de mi lado Lyrics / # sdq5jucickyptgeh.99
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